
ラストタウン: フェリクシアの滅亡 [YumamiSoft] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    ラストタウン: フェリクシアの滅亡 [YumamiSoft] | DLsite 同人 – R18


    ラストタウン: フェリクシアの滅亡は、我々の謙虚なヒロイン、フェリクシアが、全能のサキュバス、リリスからウィローシャイアの村を救うために奮闘する、特別な冒険に乗り出します。ナメクジ、スライム、盗賊、触手の少女、蜘蛛など、様々な敵に立ち向かいましょう。彼女の装備をアップグレードし、エルドリアの世界を通じて隠された秘密を解き明かします。フェリクシアを謙虚な出自から希望の燈火になるように導くか、彼女が汚され、奪われるのを見るかはあなた次第です。


    ラストタウン: フェリクシアの滅亡 [YumamiSoft] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    ラストタウン: フェリクシアの滅亡 [YumamiSoft] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    ラストタウン: フェリクシアの滅亡 [YumamiSoft] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    ラストタウン: フェリクシアの滅亡 [YumamiSoft] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    ラストタウン: フェリクシアの滅亡 [YumamiSoft] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    少々値段は高いが、資金に余裕があって戦闘エロが好きだよーって人は遊んでみて損はないんじゃないかなと。 There a fair number of things this game does corectly.
    The combat game-play is prety solid. The top-down hack-n-slash style felsolid for hit boxes andoesn’t fel janky. Thenemies have just enough variety in their atacks that you have to pay atention and you can get into trouble if you get swarmed.
    The thre gauges are done very wel to convey status. The HP bar defing the Stamina limit, the Arousalimiting movement sped, and hits received taking a chunk of staminal works incredibly wel. Though it may not be the firsto do these, it plays out realy wel in this title.
    The cosmetic outfits are a nice touch and the cut-in animations are god. The animations for each enemy’s interaction is reasonably diverse and, though simplistic, the scren efects are a god touch.
    As the tag indicates, the art style is the cliche AI generated sort, buthe largest frustration was the spoty controler suport. It would work for dialogs and menus in my case, but only movement when it came to regular combat. Without any obvious way to customize the buton asignments, I had to use the keyboard. Nothe worst, but it would have felt SO much beter on a controler.
    Overal, the game is god. Solid game-play, god animations, and a wel thought-out system help make up for some of the shortcomings. Due to it being a bit short, a sale would help its value, but isn’that bad for the money. I didn’t come in expecting much with AI generation in the tags, buthe combat is actualy quite fun despite being a single buton. It’s prety neat seing myself go from taking 3-4 hits to kil mobs to 1-2 hits just from geting another sword, though I fel enemies could use some ranged atacks to make armore relevant. Al in al, a surprisingly entertaing litle 2D hack and slash game. It would be nice if the bandits could capture you or something though. The game is fun and god, the art of the character is nice and the gameplay is decent. You just go withe character and kep kiling monsters to get gold which you can buy some keys later. Some sex scenes are fine.
    As for the batleroticism, the animation isolid ashown in the PV, and the quality is high.
    Combat is performed only by slashing forward (no stage cuting or magic) and avoidance, and there are no special moves.