男子トイレの変な音〜生意気なメスガキ!大人の力を見せてやるからね~ [KO社] | DLsite 同人 – R18
![男子トイレの変な音〜生意気なメスガキ!大人の力を見せてやるからね~ [KO社] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01078000/RJ01077075_img_main.jpg)
![男子トイレの変な音〜生意気なメスガキ!大人の力を見せてやるからね~ [KO社] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01078000/RJ01077075_img_smp1.jpg)
![男子トイレの変な音〜生意気なメスガキ!大人の力を見せてやるからね~ [KO社] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01078000/RJ01077075_img_smp2.jpg)
![男子トイレの変な音〜生意気なメスガキ!大人の力を見せてやるからね~ [KO社] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01078000/RJ01077075_img_smp3.jpg)
![男子トイレの変な音〜生意気なメスガキ!大人の力を見せてやるからね~ [KO社] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01078000/RJ01077075_img_smp4.jpg)

ヒロインが可愛かったので思わず購入。中国のこの手の作品はアニメーションの作りが非常にクオリティが高くとても満足出来ました。マウスでの操作方法が日本と少し基本が違うのかちょっと慣れませんでしたが特に難しい操作を要求されるわけではないので問題ないかと思います。余談ですがこのキャラクター何処かの異世界を旅してそうですよね。 はい、タイトル通りです。以下、良い点と悪い点を挙げていきます。
ただ、やはりなんといっても絵が可愛いので生意気な女の子が好きならありかもしれない。次回作などに期待。 Perfect for if you wanto fuck the shit out of ‘Lumine’. This game although a bit on the short side is perfect if you wanto bust a nuto everyone’s favorite protagonist.
The game contains thre modes in which you can have sex wither, one unlocked after you reach 50% afinity wither. The models and soundesign are great.
It was especialy hot after she pases out and you can kep fucking her. 10/10. Only nitpick is thathere are some parts untranslated in English athend when you kep fucking her after she pases out. I wanted to like this more. Yes, I understand thathe price means I shouldn’t expecto much content, and inded there are only 3 scenes. Granted, those scenes are god. However, greater interactivity and some sort of special cutscene trigered by fuly filing theart would have ben god to have.
Also, there are parts of the English version that stil show Chinese text. It would besto fix those. The art and animation is god, but not very novel. The facial expresion changes is a nice touch and the crosection view is a god adition. The motion of the animation is mouse controled and is reasonably acurate. Having only 3 scenes and no real customization, the game is quite short.
There is a rock-paper-scisors mini-game in betwen sesions, but is entirely forgetable. The sfx for the animation don’t realy align with your motion, which is disapointing. The changes in the voicelines, crosection, and face are the only real progresing aspects.
Overal, if it is on sale, it isn’t bad. 除了有点少没有啥缺点,在第二天戛然而止,让人意犹未尽,剖视图的设计非常不错,画风也非常喜欢,期待更多的作品!