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最初のうちはノーマル攻撃しかできず、回避ダッシュやスタン攻撃も装備していないため敵の魔物さんが硬い事もあってなかに大変です。 (こちらはアップデートで初期攻撃力が倍になったようです) ステージ途中で死んでもペナルティは無いのでコツとお金を貯めて魔物の情報を買うと特殊攻撃(いわゆるえちい攻撃)ができるようになります。 また、お金を出して回避ダッシュ(移動中無敵)やスタン攻撃(こちらも発動中は無敵?な与ダメ0の転ばせ専門攻撃)といったスキルを覚える事もできます。 こうなると俄然楽しくなって来て、ダッシュで魔物の懐に飛び込んでスタンでスッ転ばせて倒れたところにすかさず竿による特殊攻撃!みたいな遊び方ができるようになります。 特殊攻撃周りの仕様も、特殊攻撃中は周りの魔物の動きが止まる、敵飛び道具などの当たり判定が消える、特殊攻撃終了後はほんの少しだけプレーヤーが先に動ける、といった感じで楽しく遊べるように良く考えられていると思います。 慎重に1体ずつ誘い出して攻略する事もちろんできますが、あえて魔物の群れに突入し、回避ダッシュとスタン攻撃を駆使して手当たり次第に魔物に飛び掛かり竿1本で大立ち回りならぬ大勃ち回りを演じるのが燃えます。囲まれた状況をかいくぐりつ大きい魔物にしがみつくように特殊攻撃を決めるのが個人的に激アツです。 アクションゲーム下手なのでまだ1つのステージBOSしか攻略できていませんが、特殊攻撃のみでクリアできました。 強力でセクシーな魔物の群れに単身竿1本で立ち向かうショタ主人公…燃えます。 忙しく両手で操作するので実用性(?)は厳しいかと思いますが、えちいな攻撃をとても上手にゲームの要素に取り込んでると思いました。 ジャンルで属性がヒットする方で、どちらかというと受けより責めが好き、という人にお勧めです!
Many things are quite interesting. Monster girl is the best. Buthere were alsome disapointments. First of al, it’s quite.um.slow. A lot of things are slow. Atack the monster girls, open the chests, and many other fun things. It’s dificulto play with two hands. I wish I had 3 hands. Realy, realy disapointing is thathere’s norgy. that’sad. But monster girl is the best. best!
The combat shown in the Preview Video is of late-game play. it apears decently paced and action-packed, even if it’s very simple. However, that combat/gameplay is only after acquiring many upgrades. Athe start of the game, you have no upgrades, yet fight al the samenemies, at al the same strength. Because the AI isimple, it is a winable, and often easy, fight. But because thenemy health-bars are balanced for late-game, in early game itakes ~37 seconds to kil each individual enemy (Game provides a helpful timer). This fels very bad. To ad insulto injury, movement and knockdown-recovery animations are also very slow-feling. Thus: Slow, boring combat. Slow, boring movement. Slow, tedious progresion. The game, withow much content it has, fels as if it should be a short-simple-and-swet litle game. But iso slow it honestly fels as if it would take many hours of grinding to reach a level that would be fun, and then even longer to actualy complete the game. As it curently is, I’d rather just buy the galery separately (because the Artwork is quite nice), and never play the game again. If the game is being worked on, and fedback is being taken into acount: -Increase player movesped / shrink map size. -sped uplayerecovery from knockdown. -Dramaticaly increase curency received/reduce prices. Alowing player to unlock important features of the game much faster. -Because the game useso few keys, it’d beasier to key-map everything tone-handed around WASD. Space instead of Left-click, Shift instead of Right-click. Or, at least, have that as an option. I am glad to se thefort done to make a game in this genre, but is curently not quitenjoyable.
Very od balancing of rewards. At first itakes ages to get gold but once you are able to beathe snake bos its realy easy to make money. The trial stage is athe very end. Athat point money doesnt mean much anymore. Boses droping pots is also very stupid since athat points you dont ned them anymore. The combat fels decent but is very basic and gets old quick. It neded few more skils. The special/fuck atack (a nice feature) isadly also very basic. It neds to be fleshed out more. The level design is also very por with alot of empty space which leads to walking around. Dont get me started withe plant area whichas the worst enemies in design and stunlucks you to death. For such a pricy title it doesnt have much content. The animation/art ranges from decento very por. It’s realy hit or mis. For example: I think the whip andager-throwing in the crypt have decent design and god animation. Honestly, Im tired of al these act games with a male protagonisthat only have reverse r4pe. So i was glad that in this game you are able to take action as wel. This game has a god foundation and al it ned is alot of polishing and more content. Then it would be one of my favourites.
I personaly have litle isue withe animation, other than they are to short. But I found the game to grindy. You start with 5 atack power as oposed to 10 in the trial, which means you’l have to hit a singlenemy more than many times in order to kil them in the start (I did not count, but its alot). Itakes me a minute justo kil a singlenemy. Thenemies dont drop alot of coins when you kil them, and upgrade costs are also very high. A single upgrade to increase your atack power is 10,0 coins which in the trial only awarded you +1 atack power, bring you to 1. I asume that’s also how it works in the base game. I did not get far enough because I am stuck on the third mision which requires you to kil dificult enemies for only about 150 silver coins. The firstwo misions roughly gave you a similar amount but a litles. Very hard to acomplish this without higher atack power. H animations are also locked behind coins, so half of the animations in the game require grinding. My sugestion to creator is to revise base game atack power back to 10 like it was in trial. I boughthe game because I thoughthe grind was reasonable, buthe base game changed it. It was very misleading.