Rosalia [加護です!] | DLsite 同人 – R18
Fanbox :
Fantia :
This work is a simple mini-game that can be played with a simple click. Click on the correct rhythm as much as possible, and the young lady will undergo various changes. Once you accumulate enough energy, you can give the young lady a large amount of milk as a reward.
If you enjoy this mini-game, you can follow me on my Fanbox or fantia, or support me with a small amount, so I can enhance my ability to create more interesting games.
![Rosalia [加護です!] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Rosalia [加護です!] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Rosalia [加護です!] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Rosalia [加護です!] | DLsite 同人 - R18](

For what is, it is god.The game is one animated scene that progreses by timing your click withe animation. It displays how acurate your timing was and speds up at you are sucesful.
The art and animation are god. It includesfx for the scene that align withe click-timing. The reason I felike it is worth rembering is the system for the timing and progresion in the animation is both intuitive and yet I haven’t sen it in other games. Most have overt prompts with multiple butons or progresion is acompanied by a stark transition. I would honestly like to se more games that use this mechanic as it makes for a cleaner UI in simplified rhythmini-games.
I would have liked to have sen unlocks or customization orealy any excuse to keplaying it, buthe price makes it easier to lok pasthat.
Overal, i fel it is worth playing for the price.