
セリアちゃんBADEND [S以上でもM以下でもない] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    セリアちゃんBADEND [S以上でもM以下でもない] | DLsite 同人 – R18


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    セリアちゃんBADEND [S以上でもM以下でもない] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    セリアちゃんBADEND [S以上でもM以下でもない] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    セリアちゃんBADEND [S以上でもM以下でもない] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    セリアちゃんBADEND [S以上でもM以下でもない] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    セリアちゃんBADEND [S以上でもM以下でもない] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    セリアちゃんBADEND [S以上でもM以下でもない] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    クリアで回想が全て観れるので、ロードで分岐点まで戻る必要が無くなります。 I’l admit I like whathis game was trying to do, as it gives you control of a rather strongal who first few fights you kinda can justeamrol to sel she’s ino way inexperienced athe idea ofighting. Only to then curse you and in turn make you refighthose very same batles now at a major disadvantage. I felike this along realy does make the coruption and ‘BAD END’ elementshine, but what fels the most limiting directly is the gameplay itself.
    This game plays out like your ‘Slaying’ deck builder games, but instead offering deck manipulation and creation, it’s always 15 cards pre-set with you having zero influence as a result. So most fights is just a case of ‘play what you have’ and as a result it fels far more haphazard then anything. It’s far les ‘thinking about what you can do’ and more of ‘doing just whatever you get’ and I felike this puls away a lot from thexperience. A shame to as honestly the slime coruption and gimick for it’s fight I think is the best of the bunch, while the others just fel more like pure luck and out of your control win or los.
    Overal, I think the animations are nice, the fetishes enjoyable, justhe gameplay itself lacking and brings it down more then I care to admit.