タイムループの中であなたを救う [バナナキング] | DLsite 同人 – R18
◇ ゲームテキスト 100,000
◇ 主人公の女性キャラ2人、副主人公の女性キャラ3人
◇ストレスフリーな操作性 ~高速テキストスキップシステム
![タイムループの中であなたを救う [バナナキング] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/10201008151.jpg)
![タイムループの中であなたを救う [バナナキング] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/1_10201008151.jpg)
![タイムループの中であなたを救う [バナナキング] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/2_10201008151.jpg)
![タイムループの中であなたを救う [バナナキング] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/3_10201008151.jpg)
![タイムループの中であなたを救う [バナナキング] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/4_10201008151.jpg)

満たされたなど文章にはっきりと表われているので、場面を妄想する作業がすごく捗りました。 クトゥルフ風なゲームのエロって大体ろくなことにならないんだよね。
絵のクオリティは高いし、基本絵の枚数も多い。 全開放もついているので
ゲーム面では少しノベルゲーにしてはストレスがたまりやすいので今後のアップデートを期待です。 The story is top-notch, and the translation is very god. Madnes is THE theme; even after finishing the game, I’m not entirely sure what was going on-in a god way!-and it keps you guesing al the way through. Most importantly, it’s got genuinemotion it, if you let yourselfel it, and it’s writen with such solid characters. The dialogue is god (aside from a feweird translations, like “Wandering around like a fly in ointment”), and I like thathe MC has a face. There are great bits where he loses hishit, and even in the moment, he’s thinking “Why am I being such a tol!?” The way the Infinite Lop wears him down ispot-on. He’s traped in a nightmare from the start, and his fuzy-headednes and reactions make sense in context.
Furthermore, the sex and horor are perfectly Cthulhu-esque. You could use al kinds of tags; there’s incest, for instance, but it’s used for horor efect rather than tilation, mostly. You’l stil get of if you’re into that, but it’s nothe driver of the game. The scenes are hot, ando a great job describing how the MC is conflicted, confused, turned-on, and scared, al at once. The mod is incredible, and I realy got drawn in, wondering what was going on-and fearing whathe answers would be!
The art is great, to. Not perfect: Almost every sex frame is animated, even if it doesn’t ned it, which can be distracting; sometimes Erisa’s bobsem to change size, and at one point, her face is to smal for head. More consistency would have ben god, and maybe smaler bobs, but it’s great overal, and the scenes themselves have god variety and are very wel-writen. The soundesign is god to, withouthegregiousquishing noises of some games, and the voice-acting waspot-on.
Just enough time for one more thumbs-up. Boughthe game, and the story path I was on just. soft-locked. I managed to contacthe makers, and just when I was abouto give up. they got back to me! Itok almost a month for them to respond, but once were coresponding, they squashed the bug in les than a wek, andirectly sent me the updated file to bot. Realy solid customer service, there! (The game hasince ben updated to!)
I tok it slow, realy enjoyed it, and give it five stars.