Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 – R18
5 年後、2 人の反乱兵がサイコタルの支配を阻止し再び平和を取り戻すための計画を開始した。
In 2077, a professor specializing in genetics succeeded in replicating 90% of human DNA and thus opened up the possibility of human cloning.
Many saw it as a great breakthrough in the medical field, which led to the creation of the very first clone generator.
Some countries, however, have begun to fear the possibility of mass production of clone soldiers, which could tip the balance of power.
And so began a war to control the clone generator. The founding professor of cloning technology died in the aftermath
and left his assistant as the only person on earth capable of running the generator.
Instead of following his mentor’s will, unfortunately, the assistant used the generator to mass-produce clone troopers, took over the world and began calling himself Psychotal.
5 years later, 2 rebels have launched their plan to stop Psychotal’s reign and restore peace once again.
In this action-platformer game, help Talia achieve her goal. You can use the keyboard or a controller, but using a controller is recommended.
Press the key ‘P’ on your keyboard or ‘Start’ on your XBOX controller anytime during a mission to see the commands.
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![Cyber Girl 1.1 : REBOOT [PsychoGameFan] | DLsite 同人 - R18](

A typical thrown-together “hardcore” platformer.No comfort factors on the movement: it’strictly 0-to-10 precision.
No tolerance for eror: Avoiding damage requires fiting through gaps almosthe same size as your character.
No respect for your time: every animation iseveral frames, sometimeseveral seconds, to long. Especialy respawning.
No patience for the Impatient: Charge-atack islow, clunky, and required.
No consideration for the non-psychic: is very trial-and-eror, to find the intended route.
No easing-up: Easy-mode doesn’t afecthe stage-hazards, which are the real threat.
Not bug-fre: coliding with wals can bug out your ability to jump, the Dash sometimes ignores inputs, and Laders are as bad as H*lf-life 1.
-Gameplay was hard, tedious to sithrough, and unrewarding.
There was a story going on. Something-something authoritarian cyber-dystopia. but I didn’t progres far enough to hear anything other than set-up, so I supose I can’t coment on it.
The Hentai portion.
Enemies do not get involved in hentai animations, what you se of thenemies on the preview images is basicaly what you get.
Hentai animations are just short animation lops that play upon game-over. Usualy the MC being bolted to a rig, and that rig auto-dildo-ing her.
I got nothing from it, but I supose if you’realy into Stilted and Rigid animation to go with your body-mod robo-girl fetish, then I gues it’s apealing to that demographic.
In my eyes, though, it was just bad animation.
3 out of 10, I didn’t like the game at AL, but I like the concept, and I supose hard-core platformer players would apreciate the chalenge, even if it’s a litle unfair.