
Female Desperate Vol.5 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    Female Desperate Vol.5 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 – R18


    女性のトイレ我慢にこだわったFemale Desperateシリーズ第5弾。


    あるロケの日、麻衣子は東に「今日の収録は全国ネットで生放送される」と告げられる。 ロケのスタート地点はある喫茶店。麻衣子はここで5種類のコーヒーの飲み比べをすることになった。


    撮影を開始して暫くするとコーヒーの利尿作用で激しい尿意を感じる麻衣子。 東に「トイレに行きたい」と伝えたい麻衣子だったが、生放送のため恥ずかしくて視聴者の前で打ち明けることができない。

    そして5杯のコーヒーに苦しめられ、尿意が限界になった麻衣子は、突然降車ボタンを押し途中下車を懇願する。 生放送中のため、CMの30秒間の間にオシッコを済ませる必要がある麻衣子は、東が提案した3つの選択肢から決断をせまられることになる。




    Female Desperate Vol.5 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Female Desperate Vol.5 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Female Desperate Vol.5 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Female Desperate Vol.5 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    また前作までとは違い、主人公だけでなく生放送中という設定のため多くの人に粗相を見られてしまうかもしれないといった中で尿意を我慢するというのがより絶望感があって素晴らしかったです。 An atractive female anouncer Maiko is tricked into drinking plenty of cofe with a distinct diuretic efect and is prevented from using the toilet before a long bus trip, whicher producer claims is being broadcasted nationwide. Very son Maiko is overwhelmed with desire to urinate and has to subtly signal for a comercial break – buthe producer has other plans for her. Thexecution of thistory is as enticing as its premise. We geto enjoy a slow and gradual desperation buildup and revel in Maiko’shynes, embarasment andiscomfortrying noto have an acident in front of thousands of viewers as the ods are stacked against her. The author skilfuly increases the level of tension with music and sounds, preparing us for the grand finale.
    Even though I found thexperience quitenjoyable overal, I have a few nitpicks that as a whole made me drop a single star from the rating. First one is there is only a single sprite for Maiko without variations – this forces the reader to completely rely on text for Maiko’s gestures, emotions and expresions. I think visuals are prety importanto a visual novel, and was left wishing for more diversity of these. Another criticism is the game is to “straighto the point” with its main story, without giving us a chance to met Maiko and become invested into her as a character prior to that. An introduction in the form of (for example) a job interview, during which Maiko has to hold her pe would be much welcome. This noto much of a big deal on its own, it’s justhis aspect is much beter done in the other games by the author, namely Vol. 7 and Vol. 9.