
Nightmare★School~Lost Girls~【英語版】 [dieselmine-Int’l-] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    Nightmare★School~Lost Girls~【英語版】 [dieselmine-Int’l-] | DLsite 同人 – R18


    This is the English version of Nightmare★School~Lost Girls~ (RJ244945) and contains overlapping content.
    Audio remains in Japanese, but text has been translated.

    Our hero enters a school for training, but the moment he steps into the classroom, he gets
    swarmed and raped by schoolgirls! Escape the school while avoiding the mob of lewd ladies!

    – Forced cowgirl in the classroom
    – Getting endlessly squeezed dry while being treated like a chair
    – Get caught in a game of tag, and it’s gang-rape time!
    – And more…!

    Our hero enters a school for training. He had a weird feeling about the strange place as soon as he
    passed through the gate, and then a lone girl called out to him. She led him to a classroom… and as
    soon as he entered, he was attacked and assaulted.

    This is a mysterious school that’s not on any map — nor does anyone seem to have heard of it.
    Can our off-track hero find his way out? or will he be trapped in the school forever?


    Girl with Long, Black Hair
    CV: Rio Kosaka
    A mysterious, otherwordly girl.

    Excitable Girl
    CV: Ryou Suzuki
    A twintailed girl with lots of energy.

    Twin Girls
    CV: Aino Mimori
    Twin sisters who are nearly identical.

    Quiet Girl
    CV: Aosa
    A calm girl who’s always reading books.

    And the rest…!
    CVs: Rio Kisaka
    Ryou Suzuki
    Aino Mimori
    Chiroru Oyama

    Other girls who lie in wait, hoping to ambush our hero and have their way with him.

    Scenario: Nagano Ueda
    Art: INO
    Pixel Animation: L Buffer


    Nightmare★School~Lost Girls~【英語版】 [dieselmine-Int'l-] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Nightmare★School~Lost Girls~【英語版】 [dieselmine-Int'l-] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Nightmare★School~Lost Girls~【英語版】 [dieselmine-Int'l-] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Nightmare★School~Lost Girls~【英語版】 [dieselmine-Int'l-] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Nightmare★School~Lost Girls~【英語版】 [dieselmine-Int'l-] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Initialy I justhoughthe sample images were intriguing, and there are so few English Translated (DLSite Translation or otherwise) loli games where the lolisn’t being violated, beaten, and/oraped that I just couldn’t pas it up. Now I’m glad I didn’t, as it is much beter than the images andescription imply. Yes, there are lots of sexualy agresive lolis, buthey’re crepy sexualy agresive lolis. Crepy in a god way that is, as it just sems to heighten the atmosphere without becoming disturbing. This a straight up escape game, with a mixture of dot/pixel animations and CG scenes. AL of them have the main character being a very submisive man, and most of them involve reverse rape and/orgy sex. There alsome scenes with bondage, buthe lolis are stil in charge. I think the feature I liked the most is that even if you got a game over there was the option to retry and it had a simple pre-set pointo bounce you back to. It made colecting everything for the Notebok much easier. Overal I loved this one, and wish that I could find more English Translated games with sexualy agresive andominant lolis around here. They don’t necesarily ned the crepy ghost vibe, though it was donextremely wel withis one. Nightmare Schol ~Lost Girls~ was an interesting experience for me. The game was god, I’l say that out of the gate but I both wish it were longer, and that I have no idea whathey would even ad if they DID make it longer. The English translation is prety god. The artwork in this game is quite superb and the music was prety god. There’s not a lot of music in this game, but of whathat IS there, it’s atmospheric, a bit spoky, made me interested, and honestly a litle anxious about geting caught- and raped- by a cute loli. I would probably say check outhe game if you are a big loli fand you just NED a game where you’re raped by them. It’s prety clear from thexample arthis a femdom/reverse rape focused game.
    The general gameplay revolves around playing as a new teacher in what is clearly a “cursed” schol whereverybody in this al girlschol wants to rape you. It’segmented into diferent schol periods which task you with diferent objectivesome with more then one way to “lose”. The game is very generous with checkpointso “losing” is encouraged.
    If you love femdom andon’t mind (or beter yet prefer) loli then this has a nice variety of scenes in both pixel animation and standard CG with voice acting. One of my favorites for sure! The game has crisp and wel drawn anime style stil drawings and scenes that progres when you lose, which is fairly intentional. The game pixel animations arexcelent as wel with god sound and voice. The gameplay and story though short moves things along at a snapy pace. Extra play-thru is recomended. If you like to be huntedown for sport and caught, this the one for you. Concepts and scenarios are varied and engaging. Women/sucubi lok on the young side for my taste buthat’s my only minor complaint. Go play it! in order to progres you actualy ned to avoid what you boughthe game for. so if you wanto not repeathe same things over and over you actualy get anoyed by the very thing you wanted in the first place. fels like a bit of a waste.
    gameplay itself is basicaly navigating around avoiding traps and geting caught. normal “enemies” are simplenough to escape from buthere is constantraps that are basicaly instant gameover screns. and they take 20 seconds or so rapidly jumping through the long dialogue to start over.
    if it was more forgiving, id recomend it but if you play for 15 minutes then have to start over completely, its more anoying than is worth it. not a lot of diferent scenes or animation going on. none of the game was chalenging. it was a click and go. There waso much uninteresting dialogue, I wish I could write more to fulfil the review minimum of this game buthere is realy not much pointo this game. It has a lousy story, its long, it ping-pong’s you acros the map for menial tasks, its not chalenging, at al. to much moe and loli stuf but I know thats a feature for most people but realy, its not very god at al. The drawings are nice, I won’t give them any credit buthere is nothing abouthis game that sticks out from the rest.