BlazingAngel Mistletear [Complete Edition] [ミルフィーユ/ぷちミルフィーユ] | DLsite 同人 – R18
<span style=”color:#ff0000″>* This product is the complete edition of BlazingAngel Mistletear. It contains:
“BlazingAngel Mistletear (RE171858)”
“BlazingAngel Mistletear [Enhancement Patch] (RE190739)”
Merged into one game without any need to patch the two together.
* Scenario, menus, manuals, everything! 100% ENGLISH TRANSLATED!
You can switch the game’s language between English and Japanese as you please!
Also, the Japanese audio remains, so you can enjoy the original voice actresses.
* A side-scrolling beat-em-up erotic action!
Finish stages in Mission Mode or earn points and upgrade in Adjust Mode.
The game’s fully loaded with challenge!
Put the combo beatdown on enemies and try to clear all 7 stages!
Customizable difficulty and CG unlock features mean you can enjoy all the content!
Created for the enjoyment of hardcore and casual gamers alike!
Play with a keyboard, controller or mouse!
* A blend of Action & Adventure ecchi scenes!
Contains 40+ patterns of erotic animation which play out seamlessly in the action part!
Also 40+ erotic visual novel style event scenes in the adventure part!
Swine, spider, wolf, chameleon, golems, a plethora of interspecies violation
at the hands of monstrous Kaijin. But wait, where would we be without t
tentacle creatures, slimy torment and don’t forget the gangbangs!
Glorious gangbangs by brainwashed citizens, clone soldiers and sadistic henchwomen…
Enjoy as the bad endings debaucherously unfold before your eyes.
With each erotic event scene varying depending on both the assailant
and also the number of times having already been assailed.
(Of course, you could also lay waste to your enemies beat-em-up brawling style.
For hell hath no mercy like an Oneechan missing her cherished little sister!)
* Premise:
A bizarre threat suddenly kidnaps two sisters: Akira and Kaede.
Akira wakes up transformed by the experiments of an organization called “Eitraizen”.
Akira’s one and only goal is to rescue Kaede,
an epic mission aided by her strange new superhuman powers.
She can now transform into “Blazing Angel Mistletear”,
a holy war princess with godlike power… to make her enemies pay!!
* Art by Midorigimura
* Scenario by Nagano Ueda
* CVs: Nagi Suzuhara, Mei Misonoo, Ayumi Okuyama
![BlazingAngel Mistletear [Complete Edition] [ミルフィーユ/ぷちミルフィーユ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![BlazingAngel Mistletear [Complete Edition] [ミルフィーユ/ぷちミルフィーユ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![BlazingAngel Mistletear [Complete Edition] [ミルフィーユ/ぷちミルフィーユ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![BlazingAngel Mistletear [Complete Edition] [ミルフィーユ/ぷちミルフィーユ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![BlazingAngel Mistletear [Complete Edition] [ミルフィーユ/ぷちミルフィーユ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![BlazingAngel Mistletear [Complete Edition] [ミルフィーユ/ぷちミルフィーユ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](

それでも両方好きだから満足。 Right from the start of the game the firsthing that wil grab you isn’t some horny minion. it’l be the music. Tok me right back to Saturday mornings and got mexcited to play, thistayed prety consistenthroughouthe levels. The Point System for stat-building, bos-weakening, unlocking a few more moves, etc is prety rad, andefinitely helps gethepilogue. Al in al it’s noto dificult, I started and stayed on Very Hard mode to chalenge myself, and I got everything I bargained for. The move-set is impresive for an indie beat-em up. The voice acting ispot on, lot of emotion, and what’s a fightingame without special atack cal-outs eh? Yeah, they are in there to and it’s realy col when you’re spaming specials. There is a combo mechanic that’s prety tighto, specials wil chainto each other. Al in al I’ve greatly enjoyed my experience withe game and wil probably keplaying regularly. This reviewon’t be a rating system out of 10 nor buy or not, generaly hate that kind of review.
If it sounds right for you pick it up:
-VO throughouthe game.
-One of the longer titles on thisite takes a few hours and you wil not 10% the game without much more time, nothe usual 1 hour game.
-Animated and 2D H scenes.
-Multiplendings and variations.
-Fluid combat and can be dificult but it’s al player control.
-Tons of options and clearly designed for PC, with gamepad suport.
-Mozaic Censorship
-Hunting some scenes is anoying you can ‘purchase’ them with a point system buthat’s very grindy.
-Story wil be kind of bland at points buthat’s a comon thing for these titles.
-While I did say there’s variation of H scenes. It’s mostly very similar situation/style. 90%+ fels the same and the 10% felike the variation. It’s justhathere’s a lot of H sceneso it can have multiple tags while a fat chunk of them are the same. Gameplay is that of a decent beat em up.
H-scenes are decent sprite animations or wel-drawn CGs with god voice acting.
Besides a usual dificulty seting, there alsome aditional unlockable options that alow players to make the gameasier or harder acording to their preferences.
There’s also a galery which alows players to revisit encountered h-scenes.
Saving and changing some setings during a playthrough is done during the visual novel scenes. A very wel made game, with a large number of sex scenes, covering a range of situations. Most scenes have a few variations depending on virginity status or whether it’s a game over scene or just a life lost. Al scenes also havextremely god quality voice acting for the female characters (both enemies and protagonist). The scenes can also be viewed in pixel mode on the game stage or as CG, withe CG scenes being longer with more dialogue, like you’d get in a high quality VN. Also it is a high quality English translation. The voice acting istil in Japanese, buthat hardly maters given the quality of the acting, and the quality of the translation. It is very much worth buying this game. This game is amazingreat music to listen to that’s fun to listen to plothat’s prety god impresive voice acting and gameplay mechanics areasy to use with some god atacks and but if you want a chalenge you should put it on hard mode there’s also a lot of h scenes though it can get anoying trying to gethem al if are loking for a game that is about more than the porn this it.