
FUTUNO FANTASY XP [一人オンライン] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    FUTUNO FANTASY XP [一人オンライン] | DLsite 同人 – R18









    FUTUNO FANTASY XP [一人オンライン] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    徹底的に堕ちていっても、最後はヒロイックな活躍で話がハッピーエンドに終わる、ということはないので、それを求めると後味が悪いかも ヒロインのフツノちゃんが好みだったので購入しました。ストーリーやゲーム性はシンプルでとくに難しい要素はなかったです。欠点を挙げるなら少し単調すぎたくらいです。CGが気に入れば値段の価値はあるのでオスメです。 This game is heavier on the story thanormal so you wil be seing quite a lot of cutscenes.
    As expected of a story-based kind of game, you can expect a bunch of twists and turns as you join Futuno in her journey to fulfil herole as a hero.
    The story is actualy a bit darker than you would expect actualy. It’s prety obvious that Futuno isn’t ready for what being a hero entailso she wil have to learn it on the fly from the people around her, many who don’t have her best interests at heart. And aparently, there is more than one way to be a hero.
    This game has an interesting concept in thathe story is incomplete when you beat it. The answer to this ocurs while you are in the memory mansion. There is an extra rom inside which contains a memory withe after story.
    As a bit of trivia, those of us who gothe game when it first came out were not able to find this rom because it wasn’there. A few days later, it was patched in and we finaly goto se closure to a game thatakes about 3 – 4 hours to complete. I thoughthathis was a clever way to sel the game.
    Personaly, I thought it was a fun game. Especialy because the game creator wasn’t hesitanto tel a hero story that wasn’t al roses and sunshine, and yet it doesn’t become iredemably dark either. Biterswet realy is the best way to describe it as Futuno does not become a hero for nothing. In order to gain something, she has to lose things as wel.
    .If you are loking for a game where thero gets into an epic fight withe demon lord, you won’t find it here. Yes you wil find the fighting, since the game is a traditional RPG, buthis game is more abouthe story of a girl’sacrifices ashe strugles to become a hero.