CHINA INFERNO [アトリエわだつみ] | DLsite 同人 – R18
Bonus English language contents added. (Bonus contents are a version
of the game with approximately 70% of the game translated into English.)
Note that, this translated content is a work in progress and may contain bugs
which are not present in the Japanese version of the game. So please consider
this as only “Bonus” contents aside from the main Japanese Language game.
We cannot guarantee that these contents will run in your play environment.
Special Operative China-006 will face a pandemonium gauntlet of hellish Ryona!
Using the latest 2D Game Engine, Atelier Wadatsumi rises once more!
…bringing to you another watery masterpiece from the murky depths.
10 years of technological progress awaits you! Be amazed by their finely
tweaked erotic scenes and the sheer accumulation of condensed vindication!
[Game Contents]
– With over 150 cuts of animation this game has been
thoroughly created with no regards to profitability!
– The physics engine utilizes “Box2D” for REAL movement.
– Special focus has been placed on control-ability
and the visually stimulating brutal Ryona system.
By all means, do check out this stunningly beautiful Erotic ACT!
[Main Situations]
– In this erotic action game where you control the female protagonist China-006,
the main focus are the erotic and ryona (brutality) defeat scenes.
– Almost all scenes are China-006, in her micro-bikini, swimming around
in an enemy infested underwater fortress at the bottom of the ocean.
– Erotic scenes mainly feature; violation, interspecial sex, vore, skewering,
death by explosion, crushing, electrocution, underwater restraint, drowning,
hypnotically induced masturbation, etc!
– The erotic scenes in this game are generally hardcore, underwater violation!
(There is no depiction of severed limbs or intestinal spillage, just drowning.
For those that are squeamish when it comes to gore, you need not worry.)
– An Action Game. Does not require godlike reflexes but there are some nasty traps.
If you can figure out the pattern, then it shouldn’t be too difficult to clear.
Play time is approximately 2~4 hours for a ‘normal’ player (depends on your skill)
– Upon clearing a stage, the game will autosave.
(allowing you to select that stage whenever you want to play it)
– If you die along the way, you can continue from just before dying.
If you are ever stuck, pressing the “Q” key will display hints.
– There are a total of 24 stages with various different systems!
– At first the system has a block destroying restraint game and
a shooting like restraint game. After which you get to control
the character in a 360 degree movable 2D scrolling action style.
– All modes are created with user friendly control-ability in
mind so anyone should be able to play and enjoy this game.
(The necessary controls are the arrow keys and Z only!)
* Please confirm system compatibility via the trial version.
* Recommend purchase with DLsite account for re-downloading updated versions.
![CHINA INFERNO [アトリエわだつみ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![CHINA INFERNO [アトリエわだつみ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![CHINA INFERNO [アトリエわだつみ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](

Im realy hapy thathey translated much of the game in english.Before the update it was noto hard to figure out how to play, buthere are some tricks that arevealed withe Q-buton for a stage of which some are absolutly not intuitive.
Withenglish update this game became one of my favorites.
But you should not expect a typical kind of game. Its more like a playable anime. The game parts vary much and eachas difrent kind of arcade gamechanic. Yethey does not fail to entertain, buthe real reason for buying this game are the beautiful and seamlesly cutscenes. And those are impresive. Firsthe cutscenes are wel set and every action has one. For example when the protagonist leaves an area through a tube you get a wel set animation where she can gasp for air.
Second and most impresive is the love for detail for the protagonist animations. Her whole movement fels real. How she reacts on events, enemies, runing out of air or when she adjust her bikini. And many events have multible animationso you wont se the same animation over and over again.
The price is a bit higher buthe amount of content and the lovely details are definitely worth its price.
I’m usualy not into underwater, and not particularly fond of ryona games. Buthe quality of the artwork, music, and storyteling is way to god to pas up. Even withe higher than average price for a game, it is worth it.
The levels are a mix ofighting and puzle solving, with a hint you can aces by pushing the “q” buton.
If you run out of time, you’l se her gasp for breath andie that way, buthere are other ways to get game over. She can get blown up, shot, tentacle molested by a tentacle monster, or sometimes other monsters. It’s not al just drowning (although I imagine she must run out of air when the tentacle monster gets her.)
The art just keps amazing me. It’s like I’m watching a wel animated anime. The cut scenes integrate into the game play almost seamlesly. Argh.
To sum up “China Inferno” in a sentence: Very god animation; mediocre (at best) game.
Most of the game the player can push through, one way or another, withe help of a welcome “hint” scren. Though it does make it unecesarily obscure in some places what oneeds to do to progres (such as thre segments where one has to defeat a certainumber of monsters to be able to end the level, although aside from a counter there’s litle to lead the player this way and plenty of contrary evidence sugesting the player should be avoiding them entirely.)
Other segments, there’s nothing to be done but fumble through on trial and eror and memorization.
But I’m on what I believe to be the last level athis point, and it’s just. every por design choice madearlier in the game, coming back to haunthe player al at once.
Throughouthe game, the player’s time is limited by their air suply. Usualy, thisn’t a problem.
Now, on thistage, you ned to colect androp bombs on enemies to progres. And those bombspawn at arbitrary, semingly random intervals.
Se the problem? More than once I’ve run out of air because I just wasn’t provided enough bombs to do the job until it was to late.
Throughouthe level, you’re pursued by seking misiles launched by enemies- and if any of those misiles (tracking you) hit your bombs (which you can only drop downward, with a slight spread justo make it even harder to aim them), they’re as much as wasted.
And ocasionaly thosenemies drift right up to the only area the bombspawn from, leaving you defenseles and trying to dodge misiles at point-blank range.
While you’re geting stuck on the scenery, imobilized by hits, and ocasionaly watch those misiles go through the limited cover.
And THEN- with no “save point”- you fighthe level’s REAL bos. Whoften camps near the bomb spawn with a machine gun.
The animation realy is prety. I hope to se more in a beter game.