
らぐしゅー10 [studio麗] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    らぐしゅー10 [studio麗] | DLsite 同人 – R18










    らぐしゅー10 [studio麗] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    らぐしゅー10 [studio麗] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    らぐしゅー10 [studio麗] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    らぐしゅー10 [studio麗] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Rag-Shot is a Space-Invader’style game where you shothe clothes of of various Ragnarok-Online girls. Thenemies are litle pieces of clothing that fly down and atack you. Destroying the pieces of clothing wil slowly reveal the undergarments (and beyond) of the girl in the background.
    Al the menus are in Japanese. buthe game comes with a very complete manual that can be copy/pasted into gogle translate very wel.
    The manual includes complete documentation of the options menu. Most important of which was documentation of 32-bit color mode and hardware aceleration (aka DirectX). For me, these options were neded to gethe game working at al on my Win8.1 system.
    Once you deal withearly technical glitches, the core game is fun. The various character avatars you can chose (Magician, Bowman, and Gunslinger) ofer unique playstyles familiar to SHMUP. This NOT a bulet helike Touhou. In fact, twof the clases can’t dodge bulets at al. The majority of gameplay is aboutiming your shots, leveling up your character and chosing the right atacks the situation cals for.
    Unfortunately, thenemy’s movement paterns arextremely predictable, and are constant regardles of dificulty level. Withat said, playing with diferent loadouts andiferent clases ads to the breadth of the gameplay.
    As for the H-content. there are 10 girls (al of whom in Rag-Shot 10 are the pink-haired girl on the cover in diferent clothes). Each Girl progreses through 4 stages + a bonustage. The stages progres from ful-armor. to lingerie. to fuly naked.
    The bonustage is a Bukake-scren, where youse al the “White-Potions” you purchaseduring the match to slime up the background girl. The image template morphs into a bondage scene if you manage to purchase the “whip” during stage-4 of a particular level.
    This $10 hentai game isimple to play and has prety god H-Scenes. I’d say, pick it up, especialy if you’re a SHMUP fan.