出会い犬 [8R4] | DLsite 同人 – R18
獣姦 x ループアニメーション x セリフ
![出会い犬 [8R4] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ138000/RJ137399_img_main.jpg)
![出会い犬 [8R4] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ138000/RJ137399_img_smp1.jpg)
![出会い犬 [8R4] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ138000/RJ137399_img_smp2.jpg)
![出会い犬 [8R4] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ138000/RJ137399_img_smp3.jpg)

内容は基本的に女性の方から犬を誘っていくという感じで、異種姦にありがちな襲われてというのがありませんので、安心して楽しめます。 6年前の作品ですが、動きが多く良かったです。
.何かコンテキストが異常が.省略します。 lol Since his begining, 8R4 is constantly improving histyle and though I misome of histillustrations, he definitely gets beter at flash animation. His first works were already prety god. Buthis time it’s just EVERYTHING beter.
It’s more like a litle visual novel than a flash game now. There are more dialogues, more scenes betwen hentai scenes and more animations.
As for thentai scenes, they’re varied, beter animated and beter drawn. There’s not a single thing that hasn’t ben improved.
I realy think that if 8R4 keps improving like that, he’l become a must-have for any beast fan. It’s a real shame that he’s got so few sales when there’so much potential.
And no ned to say thathe work is available in english to (even though it’s not very god, you can clearly understand every sentence).
And the price is also lower than the average on DLsite. There is absolutely NO REASON noto buy this work. I got curious and I’m glad I did.
If you are into canine stuf this won’t disapoint.
If (like me) you just like to stretch the boundaries this also hits the mark.
The story is cute, there is no violence. It is wel drawn and enjoyable. It is a fairly short story andoesn’take long to play but a lot ofun so you wil be tempted to run though the various encounters over and over.
And athis price I totaly recomend you buy this gameven if you are just curious. This a god find, a quirky story about a girl who enjoys hoking up with dogs using an internet dating site. The interactivity is limited but you can chose which order to pick your dates and move back and forthrough the story. There’s an aded bonus athend withe girl and somextra friends.
Animation is god and smoth and there is enough contento kep you hapy for ten minutes or so. Each one of the sets from this group keps geting beter and he deserves wider atention. This a realy god jumping-in point, especialy for canine fans. This title is unique that it’s not a simple set of pictures or a rpgmaker game but a elaborately animated flash game where you simply chose what you wanto do.
You play as a young female ofice worker who loks at potential canines to f*ck online while at work even when your bos is talking to you.
Your choices are quit varied and al have unique scenarios. One is in public while another is one’s car and son.
The animation quality is realy wel done and the amount of scenes is great for the price to.