SPACE MARISAR [Y.G.C.] | DLsite 同人 – R18
ミニ八卦炉を盗まれた霧雨魔理沙が、盗んだ犯人を捜して駆ける! 飛ぶ! 撃つ!
東方二次創作 擬似3D奥スクロールSTGです。
![SPACE MARISAR [Y.G.C.] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![SPACE MARISAR [Y.G.C.] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![SPACE MARISAR [Y.G.C.] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![SPACE MARISAR [Y.G.C.] | DLsite 同人 - R18](

Space H*rier is my favorite arcade game, and I love the rail shoter genre in general. I am always on the lokout for games that replicate the clasic Space H*rier experience.The graphics, perspective, and gameplay of this game are al very similar to Space H*rier. It apears to use the same raster scaling & landscape grid. The aspect ratio is 4:3, there is a fulscren option, and even an option for stereoscopic 3D!
Gameplay is very similar to Space H*rier. Waves of enemies apear and shot oval bulets or firebals at you, and you kep moving to avoid them. Thend of stage boses are particularly tough; it’s where I lose most of my lives. Every bos has at least one special atack (sometimeseveral) and when the bos executes their special atack, the bos character portrait apears onscren, which is nice. The music is very reminiscent of Space H*rier. The music is basicaly Touhou music done in a Space H*rier style.
Unlocking stages for play in stage select mode is dificult. You have to beat a stage without dying to unlock it, or beat a stage 5 times without dying to unlock the next stage.
I am very hapy I own this game; uniquexperiences like this are why I come to DLsite. I just wish the game had an infinite continue option. You get 9 continues, with 3 lives per continue, totaling 30 lives per game. But even without infinite continues, at leasthere are 3 dificulty levels.