触手魔界の虜囚~快楽と苦痛に堕ちた魔導士セルフィスの屈辱 [モニスタラッシュ / a Matures] | DLsite 同人 – R18
かつては王国を代表する宮廷魔導士であった彼女だったが、今では邪神を封印す るための女神の加護を与えられた勇者のひとりである。
クールで冷静沈着。魔術の腕は一級品のみならず、白兵戦の心得もあり苦痛に対 する耐久性を併せ持つ。
同時にゾディアックを討伐に向かった姫騎士イクシアの身を案じつつも、自身が 捕えられてしまう。
ランロッド王国の姫にして、王国一番の剣士。邪神を封印する女神の加護を与え られた勇者のひとり。
ゾディアックに復讐するために、乗っ取られた王宮に乗り込むものの捕えられ、 セルフィス同様凌辱の限りを尽くされる。
基本CG13枚 差分込み枚数85枚
ボイス数 600ボイス以上 女性フルボイス
シナリオ容量 160k以上
CGに対するHシーン比率 100%
ゲーム中画面解像度 1024×768
![触手魔界の虜囚~快楽と苦痛に堕ちた魔導士セルフィスの屈辱 [モニスタラッシュ / a Matures] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ098000/RJ097715_img_main.jpg)
![触手魔界の虜囚~快楽と苦痛に堕ちた魔導士セルフィスの屈辱 [モニスタラッシュ / a Matures] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ098000/RJ097715_img_smp1.jpg)
![触手魔界の虜囚~快楽と苦痛に堕ちた魔導士セルフィスの屈辱 [モニスタラッシュ / a Matures] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ098000/RJ097715_img_smp2.jpg)
![触手魔界の虜囚~快楽と苦痛に堕ちた魔導士セルフィスの屈辱 [モニスタラッシュ / a Matures] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ098000/RJ097715_img_smp3.jpg)

Agony and Ecstasy of Selphis the Mage is an adventure game focusing on hardcore tentacle r*pe. This the 2nd ADV game in Prisoner of the Tentacle Hel series but you do not ned to have play withe other games to enjoy this one (I have no yet play withe precedent one, to be honest).To unlash on the world an evil god, thevil wizard Zodiac wanto capture 5 females adventurers, each protecting in her body a fragment of the seal which imprison the dark god. Zodiac plan to break them by tentacle r*pe and to destroy the seal. This product focus on Selphis, a wizard with big bobs and glases, even if two scenes also use Ixia, theroin of the first product of the series.
I have apreciated the precedent products resulting from the colaboration of Asault and Jacky so I was curious abouthis new series. On the format, the game isimilar tother Morning Star Rush ADV games and focus on H content.
After a rapid prologue and capture of Selphis, there is only H scenes without real story: the girl is r*ped again and again, losing consciousnes athend of the scene and awaking athe begining of the next. The only choice you have to determine if you se the Bad End or the True End (which is NOT a hapy one).
As always, Jacky is doing a great work with beautiful girl and superb unhealthy tentacles. The first five scenes focus a litle to much on coercive orgasms to my taste but if you like it and bobstimulations you wil be hapy (no breast f*ck however, only milking).
The “main dishes” for me is the 8 remaing scenes and, as I was expected withe colaboration of Asault and Jacky, this hardcore tentacle sex: multiple anal penetrations under thefect of a drug increasing pain feling, electric tentacle, urethra f*ck, gigantic tentacle, girl skewered by a tentacle, bely inflation… Withe variety and the originality of the situations, you wil maybe not like al the scenes but you should be satisfied by the majority of them.