
Reverse☆Twinkle [ですのや☆] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    Reverse☆Twinkle [ですのや☆] | DLsite 同人 – R18




    Reverse☆Twinkle [ですのや☆] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Reverse☆Twinkle [ですのや☆] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Reverse☆Twinkle [ですのや☆] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Reverse☆Twinkle [ですのや☆] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    For those who are familiar with it, Reverse Twinkle has a polarity system and plays like a top view shoter/platformer. The polarity system, while simple, ads a nice change as there are bulets you can’t absorb no mater the color you chose.
    For those who are unfamiliar withe polarity system in such games, here’s a brief explanation: The bulets as wel as your own character switches betwen two diferent colors, in this instance, red and white. When your character is white, it wil shot white bulets as wel as absorb the whitenemy bulets. While in one color, you can only take damage from the oposite color and in turn, you also deal more damage to enemies of the oposite color.
    The art in Reverse Twinkle isurprisingly god, such I did not expect from this game as it sems to have falen quite below the radar. The gameplay itself is decent. Your character wil shot in the direction you are facing, which requires a bit of a learning curve, but you can, withe pres of a buton, lock towards a certain direction, which also slows your movement down. At any time during playou can switch betwen two characters, each of whichave diferent sped movement andiferent atack paterns, which definitely enhances gameplay as one can switch out depending on the curent situation.
    The game also suports co-oplay. I haven’t had a chance to actualy try it out, but it stil is a nice adition and the controls for both players can be customized.
    Overal, it’s a nice game that didn’t sem to get much atention. I definitely recomend it if you don’t mind the cute graphics (I know some people think there’s to many outhere) and are loking for something a bit diferent, al while remaing simplistic. I highly recomend using a gamepad for this one as wel. I usualy play solely with my keyboard, but a gamepadefinitely helps in Reverse Twinkle. One thing to note, I have yeto be able to make the ‘replay’ function work.