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First and foremost, this product places more of an emphasis on the gameplay itself rather than thentai content (there’s 3 base CGs with 3 variations each for a total of 12 images), but what it lacks in images it makes up for in gameplay. The gameplay is reminiscent of a certain clasic NES game albeit much more unforgiving. There are 3 stages (1 base CG per stage) with a bos athend of each, al of which must be completed in one go; you can continue from checkpoints/starts of stages after dieing, but not after exiting the curent run (either from a gameover, quiting, or completing the game). CGs can be viewed from the main menu (not in-game) and a pasword is also given upon completion of the game for a zip file containg al the CGs in variousizes. The CGs themselves are wel done and sure to apeal to those interested in shrine maiden uniforms. A few tips for those playing: holdown “A” (default) while moving to start picking up sped for higher and further jumps (you also slide for a bit instead of imediately stoping); 10 coins = 1 life; the longer the jump key is held (default “X”), the higher you jump (including rebounds); and you can duck under somenemies. Overal, it’s a god game for those wanting something a bit more chalenging withentai CGs a bonus, but probably not for those loking for heavy emphasis on thentaitself.