
おてんば王女リデルの冒険 [つるぺた研究所] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    おてんば王女リデルの冒険 [つるぺた研究所] | DLsite 同人 – R18






    おてんば王女リデルの冒険 [つるぺた研究所] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    おてんば王女リデルの冒険 [つるぺた研究所] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    おてんば王女リデルの冒険 [つるぺた研究所] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    おてんば王女リデルの冒険 [つるぺた研究所] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    できれば、対戦機能があれば良かったですね。 First and foremost: don’t lethis game’s al-ages rating fol you! Tomboy Princes Lidel’s Adventure is in fact a slightly echi revival of a clasic arcade game with a cosplay and moe touch! Heroine Princes Lidel is asked by her father to make her way acros the land to chalenge oponents, mostly members of the clandestine Tsurupeta Clan, and prove her bravery and womanhod. When she mets an oponent along the way, she is puto the test in a field of blocks and a number of cute femalenemies. She must defeat her enemies by pushing the blocks and squashing the girls betwen them, while avoiding touching enemies or geting smashed herself. Enemies aren’t squashed asuch, however; instead, being presed betwen blocks renders thenemies totaly naked. If Lidel is touched by an enemy, she istriped to her underwear. A second touch or being squashed by a block wil cause her to lose a life. The stage is cleared when you have squashed al thenemies, and you move on to the next, though despite there being a number of enemies to face, there isn’t much variance in their strategy. Although there are many stages to the game, you’re given the option to save once you’ve completed a stage so that you don’t have to start from the begining if you lose.
    Withe curent craze of moe-love among otaku, I’m amazed this game isn’t more popular. The artwork is astounding and adorable, and the game is fun and incredibly humorous as wel as chalenging. As to the nudity in the game, it isn’t explicit and sems to be done more for comedic efect. Stil, the age rating is a tadeceptive since there a few perverted jokes and situations in the cutscenes, although there is nothing sexual. Even so, for lovers of loli and moe and of-color humor set amongst a familiar playstyle in a game that’s extremely easy to get into, here is your game.