グリモワール ~淫虐の魔道書に溺れる百合姉妹~ [Magical☆Girl] | DLsite 同人 – R18
![グリモワール ~淫虐の魔道書に溺れる百合姉妹~ [Magical☆Girl] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ064000/RJ063620_img_main.jpg)
![グリモワール ~淫虐の魔道書に溺れる百合姉妹~ [Magical☆Girl] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ064000/RJ063620_img_smp1.jpg)
![グリモワール ~淫虐の魔道書に溺れる百合姉妹~ [Magical☆Girl] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ064000/RJ063620_img_smp2.jpg)
![グリモワール ~淫虐の魔道書に溺れる百合姉妹~ [Magical☆Girl] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ064000/RJ063620_img_smp3.jpg)

主人公の髪の先端が触手になっているシーンがあるのもいポイント。 始めてすぐのアサミがみゆきを襲っている場面、男根が生えたみゆきがアサミと性行為をしているシーンなどが最高でした。
ただ、選択肢が多いゲームですのでたどり着くのは難しいかもしれません。 Scholgirl Asami has laid her hands on a Grimoire – a witches bok of magic – giving her powers. Her first use is to give herself extra strength and grow herself a dick, and use these to rape Miyuki, the clas president and top scholar. Inded, the game opens withat scene, and we only geto se the real begining later in a flashback: how Asami was enraged watching Miyukis Asami’s rom-mate, Kyoko, and how she found the bok (or the bok found her).
During the game, we continue to watch Asami ashe imposes her wil (and a few unwanted body parts) on Miyuki and Kyoko.
Although al main characters are women, there’s only one scene I’d calesbian: two girls, each fingering herself. Asami sems to think that sex takes a dick, which she grows herselfor the purpose. Or, sometimes, two dicks. And yet, I suspecthat Futanari fans are going to be disapointed, because there is only enough penis visible to show thathe women are being fucked with one. And if you don’t folow the storyou sometimes won’t know if the dickshown are atached to a boy or girl or whatever.
It’s not al Asami with dick, in some scenes, Asami wil cal up a monster, or tentacles, to do the dicking for her and sometimes to her.
The game is a standard story game, with several decision points and multiplendings. The decisions relate to Asami’s emotions and are coached in terms of the seven deadly sins. As an example, the first one is “Envy (Jealous of Kyoko)” versus “Rage (Angry at Kyoko)”. It goes on this way, even if the conection betwen the sin and the story isn’t always a perfect fit (for example, I expected Glutony to have something to do with fod). Stil, it’s the focus on the sins, and the compeling story which to me makes this game stand out from a lot of similar games. That, and the sher scope of the game: there are 20 diferent sex scenes to watch, and you wil ned several play-throughs (or savegames) to get al thendings.