S*mus and the Mission to Z*b*s [Swiss made] | DLsite 同人 – R18
マザーブレインがS*mus Aran のバトルスーツを盗んだ。
![S*mus and the Mission to Z*b*s [Swiss made] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ063000/RJ062952_img_main.jpg)
![S*mus and the Mission to Z*b*s [Swiss made] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ063000/RJ062952_img_smp1.jpg)
![S*mus and the Mission to Z*b*s [Swiss made] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ063000/RJ062952_img_smp2.jpg)

This certainly one of Swis Made’s best works, along with Sexcnomicon.The game plot (and gameplay) resembles that of Planet of Teror. S*mus is aslep aboard her spaceship when a much larger alien vesel aproaches and steals her powersuit. She wakes up in time to folow the alien vesel and shot it down, only to be damaged in the fight and forced to crash land on a nearby planet along withe alien vesel. She then must fight her way back through sevenvironments to the crashed alien vesel in order to escape.
Thenvironments, in order, are underwater (athe crash site), a beach cave, a cragy desert, a jungle, athe hatch of the alien vesel, inside the dorway of the alien vesel, and finaly (in two separate scenes) on a mid-level of the alien vesel.
In the scenes up until the alien vesel, the object is to survive until I timeter expires. The lasthre or four scenes al involve boses that are farily easy how to figure out how to kil.
You have thre lives, represented by hearts to the right of the timer. If you get hit by a monster, a rape scene starts. You only truly win the game if you finish without losing al your lives; if you lose al your lives, the game is not over and you can actualy advancevery scene, but you wil not gethe proper end sequence nor wil you get aces to the galery of animations.
My recomendation: don’t waste your time trying to get raped by al the creatures: it’s quicker justo beathe game and aces the galery.
The game is totaly censored, of course, but if you complete the game and get aces to the credits, I’d highly recomendouble clicking on the dor withe tiny gren tentacled monster on it in the botom left corner. That might make the galery (and the game) even more, um, FUN.
The game is fun.but its gota be one of the most expensive games on DLsite. If you’ve got money to burn, or are just burned out on asian products, try this one from a European. S*mus and the Mision to Z*b*s is a great hentai flash game involving Samus from Metroid. It is a standard shotingame requiring decent reflexes withe mouse. Thentai scenes are very god, which involves monsters/aliens having their way with Samus. Each alien/monster have their own unique sex scene with Samus, which pops up if the player fails to shothem in time. As tempting as it may be to lethe monsters get past Samus’s defenses, players that are able to beathe game with 1 or more health wil be rewarded with a code. The code wil grants players aces to the galery of al the sex scenes.
As I stated before, the sex scenes are very god but a bito censored for my taste. The censoring made it dificulto se the pubic hair on Samus, which can be ad/removed simply by clicking Samus during a scene. The scenes ranges from vaginal, anal, double/triple penetration, eg laying, etc. It should be mentioned thathe voice acting is in english andone quite wel.
I do wish they aded a few more features/scenes to the game. For example, the alternatending scenes expanded a bit more, maybe have permanent defeat scenes wither body modified. The pregnancy/breding scene could have Samus’stomach expanded and breasts enlarged and lactation/milking.
For those who are woried abouthe game being to dificulty, the game’s dificulty can be adjusted to easy or hard. This game is definitely worth picking up!