This is the enhanced version of the previous work featuring Yuna!
Interfaces and descriptions are in ENGLISH. It is translated by the circle themselves.
* 3DCG animation in 30fps
* Realistic images of bouncing breasts and liquid created with the physics simulation!
* Full voice and exciting sound effects!
* Gallery mode allows you to see the desired movie instantly.
* New Feature: with this product, you can edit your own playlist of the movie
Image size: 800 x 600 pixels
Frame Rate: 30fps
Operation Environment:
Microsoft Windows 98/98SE/ME
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Vista
We apologize, however, computers not listed above (including 64bit OS) are outside of our realm of support.
Pentium 4 or greater
512MB or greater (1GB or greater is recommended)
Hard Disk Drive:
620MB or more of disk space
Resolution: 800×600 pixels or greater, True Color 16bit (65,536 colors)
DirectX9 or greater
Display driver which runs MPEG-1 movie smoothly
Sound card which supports DirectSound
Please be sure to check the demo version plays in your PC before purchasing.
![LOVE YOU NOW MOVIE [DAISY] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![LOVE YOU NOW MOVIE [DAISY] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![LOVE YOU NOW MOVIE [DAISY] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![LOVE YOU NOW MOVIE [DAISY] | DLsite 同人 - R18](

This package is a set of animations, based in theme and even sex positions on the DAISY circle’s original “Love You Now” product (also available at DLsite).While the former product’s hentai CG lok was also CGI rendered, it was done with an extremely “crisp”, almost “snapshot” style. The characters and some surounding environments in this package include more painterly and natural fel to hair, facial expresions and even skin textures – it sems more lifelike and enhances thentertainment value of these animations.
There are two ways to view the same animation clips from a top-level menu: select individual clips or easily chose your own order of clips to asemble a new movie. This movie mode alows any order of the clips to be chosen and wil play thentire series, in the order you selected, with seamles transitions betwen each scene. If you opt for the single scene playback mode, each clip wilop until you click to return back to a prior scren.
Movements of breasts, backs, butocks, hands and heads are wel-riged and quite natural in apearance. Combined withe new skin and hair textures, the softened features compared to their prior CG package and the flow of draped clothing, each sex scene is very convincing and enjoyable to view. Facial expresions help solidify the feling of the Yuna character and her body motions plus camerangles do ad a great deal of interesto this work.
Masking of the genital areas islightly more heavy than I prefer (yet, far from being to big and blocky – you can se shapes wel enough), though other elements of the animations are so god, I didn’t realy mind the censoring that much.
This product runs in its own .exe interface and requires either a Japanese localenvironment or use of a utility such as MS ApLocale toperate corectly. Performance is excelent and the animations al play very smothly.