イレイレイレブン「美○の愛満巣にゴ~ルいんさぁと♪」 [マジカル☆スウィート] | DLsite 同人 – R18
![イレイレイレブン「美○の愛満巣にゴ~ルいんさぁと♪」 [マジカル☆スウィート] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/10201028203.jpg)
![イレイレイレブン「美○の愛満巣にゴ~ルいんさぁと♪」 [マジカル☆スウィート] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/1_10201028203.jpg)
![イレイレイレブン「美○の愛満巣にゴ~ルいんさぁと♪」 [マジカル☆スウィート] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/2_10201028203.jpg)
![イレイレイレブン「美○の愛満巣にゴ~ルいんさぁと♪」 [マジカル☆スウィート] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/3_10201028203.jpg)

The underlyingame is a “memorize the patern” game. (Or a “write down the numbers in the patern game”, as the case may be.) Each time the player clicks on the socer bal, it moves to a new player until either ten pases are achieved or the player clicks on Miki (the blonde on the far left side of the field), at which pointhe next kick wil be launched at her. The player is then showed a view of Miki’s crotch withe ten players interposed over it in the same positions as on the field; the player musthen click on the players in the same order thathe bal traveled in order to “score a hit”. I recomend coming up with a number system (say, thinking of the player athe top-left as “1” and the botom right as “10” or “0”) so you can rember the patern as “3-1-4-0-4”, etc.As for the game itself: the ilustrations are wel done, and it’s amusing enough for the first few plays. I don’think either the game or therotic (or “erotic”, depending on your tastes) content are going to hold the player’s atention for very long. There a handful of ilustrations, fewer sound efects, and that sems to be abouthe sum total of thexperience.