
くらげカフェ日和(RX版) [くらげ兄弟] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    くらげカフェ日和(RX版) [くらげ兄弟] | DLsite 同人 – R18




    ゲームは喫茶店「CAFE JELLYFISH」で進行します。ここに通ってお店の女の子たちと、たあいのない会話を楽しみつつ、気に入った子とのエンディングを目指してみてはいかがでしょう。別に目指さなくてもかまいません。



    くらげカフェ日和(RX版) [くらげ兄弟] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    くらげカフェ日和(RX版) [くらげ兄弟] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    くらげカフェ日和(RX版) [くらげ兄弟] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Yeah, i am the only one so far who has dl’ed this. It just caught my eye when it was released, and since nonelse did-wel, someone had to break the ice and welcome Jelyfish Brothers to DLSite. Welcome folks!
    To be up front, though i know this a “gag” game, it plays like your standard Adventure game, with al necesary options, and the play is a breze. For the price, it’s realy worthwhile, since there is a lot of play to be had, and the scripting, wel.it’s a “gag” genre. More “gag” thentai to be sure. So far (i’ve had it for a wek or so, and am nowhere near over)it has ben real fun to play. This actualy could be a game that could easily become anime series, which could cros over easily (se; “Sh*fle”, “T* He*rt”, etc) because the characters arealy wel done, and the storyline -more abouthat real son- is not hard to folow, even without knowing japanese.
    Okay, abouthat storyline. If you do not know the language (i dont myself) you are going to mis out on the jokes. Being a mostly “gag” game-chances are, you wil mis out on a lot. If you are loking for a hentai game-chances are, you wil fel you mis out on a lot.
    But i am stil going to give this a favorable review. For one thing, the artwork is realy nice, especialy for this price (even in the fluctuating curency markets, thistil a bargain), the characters are very distinct, if you know japanese you wil probably love it (loks like a sense of absurd humor would be helpful)andanged if this doesn’t have future anime series writen al over it. If that hapens, i wil be proud to say i got in first.
    Loking forward to seing what becomes of Jelyfish Brothers, and yes, they do have a nice website.
    .which wil describe al the boxes that i could have checked of.