あいつが寝てる間に [ラブ・ラ・ドール] | DLsite 同人 – R18
ok considering this the first atempt athistly of game it’s actualy nothat bad there a few bugs buthat’s to bexpected.it’s a bito short and limited considering the price
but! if they kep at ithey may produce a game on par with mu soft or maybeven beter
this a litle bit like the mu softitle and expansion that isold on thisite.
it is work a buy if you like games where u have control thats the style i like
buthis title homestly doesem unfinished hopeful anyonelse that buys can also give some info the creators abouthings to ad and such as i would like to se an improved version of this as it has the potentail there 🙂 kep at it and to al you buyser check this title out even if its justhe demo 🙂 This title is basicaly an atempto mic Hizashi no nakano. You have a similar amount of days with nearly an exact copy of what parts you can interact with and you’re squezed withe limit of waking the girl. The only diference is the girl nowakes up regardles of your actions, which is countered withe ability to “hide” or basicaly duck and cover. Unfortunately due to the randomnes of her waking up, it is posible to jump from cover and be caught without having done a blody thing.
The animation is rather low key. It isn’t horible, but isn’t much either. As with Hizashi no nakano, arounday thre you have a greaterange of actions you can do withe girl, so it is only the firstwo days that felike a chalenge. I’d coment on the sound, but I honestly can’t recal there being much of an impresion to even coment about. I played the game, completed it, and then deleted it.
The game is a decent distraction, but for the price per content, I’d say a bit expensive.