美少女戦士vs絶倫!性欲異星獣!!(SideA) [X工房] | DLsite 同人 – R18
![美少女戦士vs絶倫!性欲異星獣!!(SideA) [X工房] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/10201029530.jpg)

後は絵柄のお好みでどうぞ! What can I say realy but wow. If you love seing the sailor senshin some nasty situations then this definitly for you, the amount of options available in this wil just kep you going for a long time. Thats noto say it’s anything to great however, the artwork is alright, there’stil a lack of voice acting but as I said, there is aloto chose from. If you are a fan of thisort of thing, you’l probably se past al this and enjoy it. Every once in a while, we get a game that’s – refreshingly – exactly what it apears to be. Do you like monsterape? Do you like tentacles? Do you like multiple positions? What about impregnation?
How about inflicting al of those things on the girls of Sailor Mon?
Let’s get one thing straight – like most other H-Games, this can only be caled a ‘game’ in the losest sense of the word, but we’l try noto hold that against it. You’re not going to find any ground-breaking features here, though everything is presented in such a maner as to notake away anything – always a plus.
Here’s what you get – al five girls, justhe wayou wanthem. Vanila sex? Got it. Tentacle sex? Check. Toys? Yep. Wanto seal the deal – or not? Your choice. Wanto go back and try it al over again with diferent selections? No problem thereither. It’s easy to get in and get out with what you want.
What’s mising? No galery mode, unfortunately, but it almost isn’t necesary withease of being able to se al the scenes you want.
Graphicaly, it’s about average. I’ve sen more atractive art, buthis game shouldn’turn anyone of. Not much more to say there – the girls are closenough to be instantly recognizable (color cordination helps).
The sound provide a mody backdrop, and not much else. No voice work – sory guys.
So the botom line – should you pick this up if you’re not a Sailor Mon fan? There’stil plenty here worth watching – the demo is painfuly short, but check it out and se for yourself. I wasn’t disapointed. A “Game” where your goal is to rape the Sailor Mo*n Girls repeatedly. Its that simple.
The Choices are quite vast, ranging from standard rape (male on female vanila sex) to tentacle monsters, toys, you name it! You can even chose to blow of inside and gethem pregnant or not!
The art is god, the sound is god ambiance (though not spectacular) and the overal product makes it worthe money. If you dont believe me, grab the demo. Its very short, but it wil make up your mind quickly.