王女様の秘密 [女騎士の城] | DLsite 同人 – R18
![王女様の秘密 [女騎士の城] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/10201029591.jpg)
![王女様の秘密 [女騎士の城] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/1_10201029591.jpg)
![王女様の秘密 [女騎士の城] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/2_10201029591.jpg)
![王女様の秘密 [女騎士の城] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/3_10201029591.jpg)

(一部無理なものもあります) 着せ替えCG集です。
ループアニメもあるので、結構充実した内容じゃないかなぁ 個人的に、画力は物足りないところですが、ボリュームがそれを上回りました。
マニアックな責めがお好きな方は試す価値はありかも。 This actualy a lot ofun, and certainly has a lot of actions you can control. The basic idea isort of dresing up the game gals, but withe aded bit of including them being pounded by diferent monsters as part of the dres up!
I recomend trying the includedemo, since it wil give you an idea of whathis colection of images and sounds is al about. Besides a fair amount of rather nasty scenes of the gals being eitheraped by monsters or pluged with lots oforeign objects, you can control some of what you se in the images. You can turn of the visibilty of the words, change the clothes a bit, even get rid of the creatures or objects for a beter view of the girls wide open pusys. There is a lot more that you can do, but I don’t wanto give away everything in this review.
While not an intregal part of the game there isome sound. Basicaly a couple of squelching sound files and one voice file. Nothing to greathere, but is a nice aded touch. Most of the images have a litle bit of animation, but not a whole lot. Again, check the demo, it does give an idea of the type of movement provided in the images.
There is also a mini comic included in thiset, but I expect most people wil find the main dres uparthe best value of this item. Sinceverything is writen in Japanese it would help if younderstand a litle bit of the language, however, since most of the controls are simple on-of selections just playing around wil work to. Ever wanted to dres up some of your favourite F characters then watch them be violated?
Wel now you can! There is about 8 girls you can play with. The game lets you pick from a variety of clothes characters and violators. The game is ful of posibilities. That’s not al you can also play from a list of FX that come withe package. SO you can lok at your girl being violated, listen to her being violated and listen to her ashe is being violated. If violation isn’t your thing you can even turn that of.
Also for the person who doesn’t havenough time to design there perfect F fantasy they can alwayscrol through the list of prepared lady scenarios.
Just abouthe only thing that limits you is you desires.
This a must have for any F fan. Man, this awesome.
While I think the custimization is a litle lacking in this game compared to some of the others from the same group, this stil one of my favorites just because it has F characters, al of which are incredibly hot.
The only one I didn’t like was Ashe, just because her scenes featured random object insertion instead of real sex like the others, which is a shame because I’m a big fan of Ashe.