BLEACHING [鉄拳ねこグルメ] | DLsite 同人 – R18
![BLEACHING [鉄拳ねこグルメ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![BLEACHING [鉄拳ねこグルメ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![BLEACHING [鉄拳ねこグルメ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](
![BLEACHING [鉄拳ねこグルメ] | DLsite 同人 - R18](

あとは、原作を知らないひとでも楽しめると思います。 とにかくこの値段で音声付き、絵柄もいし
まあ初心で逆に萌える人もいるかもしれませんが。 CG・声共にエロで良い感じです。
この価格でこの充実度は驚きです。 ストーリー性はまったく無し。分岐も無し。書いてある通りのオーソドックスなビジュアルノベル(エロまっしぐら!)です。イラストは有名な方ですので純粋にえろいなぁと思いました(まぁ好みはあると思いますがw)。ただ声優さんの演技が微妙w。「くひぃ!」と言うセリフをそのま言うあたりがうけますねw。まぁお値段も10円切ってますし、お買い得だと思いますよ。 Bleaching is a voicedigital version of a doujin released in ’06. Not being familiar withe work in question, I canot coment on the acuracy of conversion for those who are loking for a god quality cary over.
On it’s own, Bleaching is a great piece of work. Featuring Orohime from the popular manga Bleach, the artwork is very high quality. Not a perfect match to the detail, the depiction of Orohime is very close to her anime and manga depictions, flavored withe artist own style into a very sexy mix. She is the central and almost only character in the product. The write up for the work claims that she is being terorized by ‘monsters,’ what litle isen of the men would apear to be perfectly human. If you are loking for monsters or tentacles, sek elsewhere.
Action istraight on hardcore. It is a gangbang set, with a leaning towards oral sex but not discluding anything. It is very atractive and tasteful, with none of the more perverselements comon in hentai featured. There is an element of unwilingnes to it, but it primarily comes out in the voice acting rather than the artwork itself.
The voice acting is wel done in Bleaching. Orohime alone has any lines and her voice actres does a fantastic job over al, though does not particularly sound like Orohime’s Japanese anime VA.
Worth noting in Bleaching is the interface, which is extremely slick and wel handled. I’ve sen few other products that are quite so easy to navigate. The flash section is particularly nice, alowing you to skip quickly over text without mising anything, to replay any of Orohime’s voice lines by with a click of the mouse, and to move from scene to scene with ease.
Bleaching is a great product, more than worthe shockingly low price asked. Ironfistcatgourmet only has thre products up athis time, but hopefuly we’l be seing a lot more from them in the future.