蜜壺戦闘少女ガイア [チッコ] | DLsite 同人 – R18
■触手子宮責めを断面アニメで楽しむ! 本格的、美少女戦士アドベンチャー・ゲーム!■
見てのとおり、エヴァ○ゲリオン。定番のア○カとレ○だけでなく、マ○も出てくる。マ○のシーンが最も過激であり、なんと凌辱の果ての出産までしてしまう。そういうのが好きな人にはお勧め。なお、アドベンチャーゲームの体裁を取っているが、エロシーンだけ見るモードがあるので、「いちゲームを解いてらんねえよ」という人でも手軽に楽しむことができる。 こちらのサークルのソフトは初めて買いましたが この3Dアニメーションはすごいですね。
ヒロインはア○カとレ○で そちらのファンの人にもいかと思います。
エッチはとても過激で手軽にムービーも楽しめるので おすめです。 エヴァ○リオンのパロディ作品。
アドベンチャー編を解かなくてもお手軽にアニメのみ見られるのも良い。 The Chiko circle is wel-known for one thing: High quality 3D hentai action!
This product is no diferent, giving the viewer the oportunity to se 3 cute babes get violated, humiliated, fucked to within an inch of their lives, in every orafice available, and filed up with and completely covered in copious amounts of cum juice.
Have I mised anything?
The best feature of this product is the internal cumshots, which arepresented as a cros-section of the insides of the girls bodies. I has to be sen to believed!
The story mode is entirely in Japanese, buthere is also a galery mode alowing the user to just jump straight into the action if they chose!
.the girls themselvesem a tad familiar. >_> Big Chiko fan here, from having alot of their CG sets I kinda knowhat I’l be going into buying one of these.
.Yet I can’t say I was al that impresed withis one.
For Starters instead of using the normal .SWF that al the other packs have used up to now, they made a switch to .WMV, so if something try’s to load or change you get sometimes LONG BLACK pauses without any real god reason to it.
It also doesn’t help thathis one fals under the type of non-stick cum ( alot of their CG sets have cum that sticks al around.yethis and a few others do not. ) that made alot of the climax parts just come of asily.
Not only that but alot of the 3D efects just wasn’t as clean asay Dragon Slave or even Soul Fantasia, two products made BEFORE this one!
Yet for what is it’s not unwatchable, including if you enjoy the E*A Pilots and wanto watch them get fucked over. It just fels a bit weak compared to the rest of these though.
I canot recomend buying this unles you enjoy Chiko’stuf as much or more so then I, or REALY want more E*A. lots of scenes, litle quality.
honestly, no. it’s filer to the casual hentai fan. for the hardcore fans that knowhats god, thisn’t.
just junk. maybe chiko has made beter thingsince this, but I haven’t checked them out. everything before this trash in my eyes.
But don’take my word for it. Unles your bar iset as high as mine in the relm of hardcore sex, quality and quanity, this might be worth a lok. but I’m not backing it