バーチャル・AYA 思いのまま [T プロジェクト] | DLsite 同人 – R18
■■ 2017年6月追加 ■■
![バーチャル・AYA 思いのまま [T プロジェクト] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://games.hnt.co.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/10201030673.jpg)

某有名メーカーK社のあのホラーゲームに登場する女の子にそっくりだったのでそれだけで購入決定、(制作年代からして狙ったのだと思われる)。というか古いゲームなのになぜ自分の検索条件で引っからなかったの?。内容はシュミレーションとあるが、簡単なクイズを解けば全ムービーをすぐに見ることができる、間違っても同じ問題が出るのでwiki先生の手を煩わすこともない、ただ現在のゲームのレベルから見ると定価はちょっとキツイ、絵のタッチは好きなのでまとめ買いお得セールを希望する。 Just about when I am ready to give up on T Project I rember this game – This and Rikare two fun games. No secret maze or jungle to hack through or die trying. Just sex.Varied sex, fun sex, coperative sex. And Aya is a big-breast babe, no doubt.
The game is prety easy to play through, god variation in actions and scenes,
Great BJ! What more does any of us want? In short, this an old version of a simulation game; you have a text based interface thatypicaly gives you a set of choices to make (usualy two), to se diferent actions. Graphics are clunky & blocky, withe text & background rendering showing a lot of aliasing. The character herself is rendered alright, but al of the “sexual” scenes involve said character interacting with an Invisible member. What you get is basicaly a set of loped animations, not more than a few seconds in length, with Aya engaged in felatio, some bondage, misionary & bareback sex positions. Ejaculation is present, but loks more like somebody spiled paint on the scren -not erotic at al. For $19 you’re beter of spending your money on more contemporary content on DLsite; this particular title was -and I say that generously- god when it was first released, but as technology roled on, it hasince become obsolete & not god by comparison.
One anoying thing abouthis game is a brief Question & answer sesion when you start -the more corect answers = the more you se. It get iritating considering there’s nothing erotic about answering trivia questions in a sex simulation game. Voice acting is in Japanese (with English subtitles), but is generaly nothing worth noting.
In conclusion, I recomend that you pas on this one & buy something else. The material is dated by today’standards. the last months i have purchased 6-8 games Tproject .
i was impesed from the womens .
i think that some games is litle dificulto finish and some are just experiments from the authors.
my opinion is thathey ned more womens characters and more work in the action scenes.Athe sex scenes you ned to create morealistik scenes from the time you capture theroine try to make the hands rip the clothes or panties(example the flash game fel the flashardcore kasumi or some other games) display the hands touching slaping squise the body. you can customise the co. of man . Also you can try
to create female characters based in true actres example the last Virtual Jena from the
thrilx as aria giovani,adele stephens, veronica zemanova . i dont say that is beter but i give you an idea that make us more horny as your design is the best. In a maner not unlike the legendary L*sure S*t L*ry, “Virtual Aya” features a quiz which locks yout of the god stuf, presumably to kep the young’ns from catching a glimpse of the merchandise. Nedles to say, if you’re stuck, this easily circumvented with a quick internet search.
This task complete, you get aces to the action. Now, while muchas changed since VA’s 205 release, Aya’s character model istil fit for purpose: her proportions are masively exagerated, and that’s fine.
Not so fine, however, is the value proposition. There are five scenes altogether, with a few variations within, and arguably satisfaction guaranted, but while this may have ben enough back in 205, as of 2017 you may want a litle more bang for your buck.