新入生 [Anemone] | DLsite 同人 – R18
![新入生 [Anemone] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ016000/RJ015029_img_main.jpg)

少女たちが学校の空き教室、体育倉庫を舞台に陵辱されまくる。たくさんイラストが入ってる。実用性の高い画像も多い。セーラー服と切り裂きブルマが最高。というか、残り1つのスクール水着は まったく興奮しない。その辺はサンプル画像から察するとおり。それを差し引いても お勧め。 Therealy isn’t much to say abouthis work outside of it’s description. It’s al CG images that involve bukake. Japanese language is not necesary to enjoy this work as it realy is just images that you can shufle through with diferent phases of geting cumed on.
You start out by selecting the outfit and from there you can chose where to cum or to go the next pose. There are 3 diferent outfits and each outfit has 6 diferent poses. The choices are usualy things like left breast, right breast, pusy/as, face/hair but it depends on the pose. The poses range quite a bito and are from simple things like standing and bending over to geting the girl’s face pushed into the ground with cum al over. The outfits also get riped as the poses progres. This a must have for bukake fans but if you aren’t into bukake you probably won’t care much for this work. It’s also a bit on thexpensive side for just a bunch of CG however you canot deny the quality of these pictures and the detail paid atention to the cum. It loks like it is ozing and runing over the girlike it should. The only thing that keps me from giving ithe “Pick Up” icon is it’s price. I don’t regrethe purchase or anything but it should be cheaper.
If you love bukake gethis game!