ラグナ○ク 触・中・毒 [田辺組] | DLsite 同人 – R18
原画:辺ヒロユキ/咲耶 洸/志乃武丹英/TYPE・90/冨樫/春輝/LINDA
![ラグナ○ク 触・中・毒 [田辺組] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ015000/RJ014540_img_main.jpg)

ファンタジーの触手陵辱系を見たい人は、元ネタ関係なく楽しめると思います。 CG数は15枚(差分なし)。
しかし、サイズにちょっと問題がある。CD-ROM版に収められていたであろうと思われるインストーラー(163MB)までもが収録されているため、二倍近くに膨れ上がっているのだ。そのため、フルボイスでもないのに総量が320MBを超えている。ダウンロード版ではもうちょっとシェイプアップしてほしかった。 Quite an old work to T. Just as the ad says, quite a number of artist’s worked on the game. If you’l be wanting to fed on your RO fix, se no more, you get nearly AL the clases under various positions of dures with either people, items or tentacles.’nuf said. And they’re not enjoying it. Over al though, without discouraging potential fans, I stil prefer the work done by D*r* M*t*i*.
The present work admitedly is dated with only one situation per clas.stil, a worthy download if you are a hardcore fan. This HCG involves characters from Ragnar*k Online who are being mercilesly raped by countles tentacles. The artwork is the strongest point of these pictures, they are drawn in such a fascinating way and the sexual action is very obscene and while it is prety strong, there is nothing that goes further than the tentacle action which is depicted in a excelent maner. The characters are very gorgeous and are helples againsthe asault of countles tentacles.
Its a great HCG for anyone who likes tentacle action but whoever doesn’t like that wil find nothing they can enjoy in it. Otherwise, it is a great adition for tentacle action fans!
The art is inded made by great artists, this HCG is top notch quality!