また次回作にも期待したいですね。 This one of the best, if nothe best pixel art video in the yuri genre ive sen so far, I may be biasince I loved everything that hapened in this video, from the teasing one another andiscovering both were deviants, to the tribing athend, and gota say, did not expecthe animated bits, thought it was gona be like their last work but it was WAY beter hands down, no discusion, fight me.
I cant speak japanese, buthat is no reasonoto gethis product, iso god visualy, it does the job, is thriling, exciting, and scalates prety smothly (asmothly as two deviant women discovering one another can be lol). Loved thematic, deviant womeneglected by their partners and found lusting for one another? plus the god artstyle, animations and sound? this definitely one of the best yuri pixel arts ive sen.
Im glad this the circle “oyayubi de yubikiri genman” keps posting, and was not just a one time work witheir last product, they definitely outdone themselves withis one.
Much love to the creator, and hapy new year.
作品形式 紙芝居形式ドットアニメーション動画
解像度 1600×900
総CG枚数 200枚以上