
Sargasso [稚児稲歪膳] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    Sargasso [稚児稲歪膳] | DLsite 同人 – R18


    A flock of tentacles nestling in an abandoned spaceship …
    The girls in distress seek food and resources to survive and Challenge the death trap again and again .
    An approaching fear and a deepening mystery. And The shocking truth will revealed at the end of the journey…

    Turn-based simulation to explore automatically generated dungeons.
    A randomly generated map that provides a new thrill every time you play.
    Strengthen expedition crew with the recovered supplies, increase crew by rescued victims, conquer a wider and more difficult map, and unravel the mystery of the demon’s space.

    Stealth or hurry up …
    Tentacles search for prey by noise. But if you afraid and move slowly, you will soon lose your escape in a maze-like ship.
    It’s easy to shoot one, but the next tentacle may be approaching before your second shoot… Always choose your actions with great care.

    ◆助けるか? 見捨てるか?
    Help her? or abandon her?
    果たして救助が間に合うか否か? 冷静に判断してください。
    A girl catched in a tentacle hide in the shadows has a more horrifying fate than death.
    However, dispatching relief may only offer a new sacrifice …
    Is the rescue in time? Please judge calmly.


    Sargasso [稚児稲歪膳] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Sargasso [稚児稲歪膳] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Sargasso [稚児稲歪膳] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Sargasso [稚児稲歪膳] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Sargasso [稚児稲歪膳] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Sargasso [稚児稲歪膳] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Sargasso [稚児稲歪膳] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    難易度は妖獣戦記よりは簡単なので油断をしなければ大丈夫です。 I’ve got very mixed felings abouthis one (long rant, TL;DR athe botom).
    At first, thearly game is enjoyable, if a bit simple. The problem is when there’s no longer justhe one-shotablenemies but also their stronger varianthat can be huge bulet sponges.
    To be precise, the actual problem is the damage calculation. You se, if you shot a strong enemy, you deal 0%-50% of its max health as damage. Maybe a single soldier two-shots an enemy (very unlikely). More likely: thre guners kep shoting the samenemy and it just shrugs it of, calmly aproaches and grabs one of them. Then it doesn’t mater how much damage you dealt.
    Then you have to rescue her and oh boy, not only can’thenemy be shot anymore, not only does the rescue alwaystart at 0%, regardles of damage dealt previously, buthe rescue mechanic has the same 0%-50% calculation as the pistol damage. Maybe two alies rescue her within one turn (very unlikely). More likely: She got caught in a one tile wide coridor (that semingly 90% of the map consists of), therefore she’s a roadblock, only one aly can help from one side, neds ~3-6 turns to do it and a steady stream of enemies keps the rescuer at bay or catches her as wel.
    The most frustrating thing is thathe game would be fairly fun if it wasn’t for those damage and rescue mechanics. There’s diferent kinds of soldiers and they ned to move quickly to destroy spawners. Enemies can only hear you and be manipulated this way buthey also move faster in swarms. Al this requires you to act quickly but also constantly think about whether to advance, hold the line oretreat and try to kil thenemies with remotexplosives.
    – The number of crates containg amo and rewards isemingly random, making some misions not only harder but ironicaly also les rewarding.
    – Some text is dark blue on black with no borders or anything that would make it readable.
    – There is no indication for turn order or how much time a certain move wil take.
    – Moving a large number of trops together is tedious. It fels arbitrary whether a soldier wil run around someone, swaplaces withem or just run pasthem.
    – Rape animations lok a bit janky
    – You can’t adjust SE and music separately
    – No adjustable keybindings
    – Translations aren’t great
    TL;DR: Game has potential but ocasionaly very frustrating due to damage & rescue mechanics. Game neds a lot more polish.