
Female Desperate Vol.9 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    Female Desperate Vol.9 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 – R18


    我慢の限界を超えた女の子たちが見せる、 理性崩壊寸前の究極の尿意・便意我慢シーン。

    女性のトイレ我慢が大好物の変態主人公の魔の手によって、 今作でもヒロインたちがオシッコやウンコを限界まで我慢します。

    恭子編(オシッコ我慢) ある日利彦の営む会社に取引先の恭子がやってくる。 恭子は大手メーカーに勤務し成績トップの超エリート。 アポイントも取らずにやってきた恭子を不信に思う利彦。 実は営業中にトイレが我慢できなくなり、 利彦の会社にトイレを借りにやってきたのだった。 果たして利彦はトイレを貸すのか貸さないのか? その後、街中で恭子とばったり出くわした利彦は、 彼女をお茶に誘いオシッコ我慢させることを計画する。 利彦の罠にはまりオシッコが我慢できなくなる恭子。 隙のないエリートとは思えないほどの理性崩壊ぶりを見せる。

    愛美編(ウンコ我慢) 愛美は利彦の大学時代の先輩。 利彦が所属する運動部のマネージャーだった。 大学時代はボーイッシュで女を感じさせない愛美だったが、 卒業後初めて会った利彦は女の子っぽくなっている愛美に大興奮。 「地元を案内する」とドライブに誘い、 差し入れのドリンクに強烈な下剤を混入する。 トイレのない田舎道で猛烈な腹痛に襲われる愛美。 車内でオナラをしながら便意と腹痛を紛らわすのだった。


    Female Desperate Vol.9 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Female Desperate Vol.9 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Female Desperate Vol.9 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Female Desperate Vol.9 [Vida Loca] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Reading this visual novel I felt like I’m sharing experiences with someone wel-versed in every nuance of the desperation fetish. The author does a great job of introducing us to theroine and uses thato make us emotionaly invested in the main story. The protagonist is equaly compeling as the person who takes maters into his own hands to contrive various desperation scenarios for theroines. It is often fun to read how thevents line up in the most favorable way to make the girls hold it for as long as posible, only to then realize it was al carefuly planed in advance. Thistory in particular is not only fun but also didactic – as iteaches how puting others in an embarasing situation might lead to a traumatic experience for them.
    Another nice touch is the stories are noto standalone or disjointed experienceither. For example, one of the scenes takes place in the same seting as Female Desperate Vol. 5 andirectly references thevents of that story – helping create a sense of a universe – like you’reading chapters of a large bok. The journey of desperation islow, smoth and elaborate – justhe way it should be. We geto se how the urge to urinate gradualy builds up, as wel as the girl’s thoughts and emotions. We geto discover every litle backgroundetail – from the drinks the girl had to her underwear color. Thexperience is further augmented by sounds, music and a number of sprites.
    It goes without saying thathe narative is the most important component here, although I was able to enjoy it even without Japanese knowledge – by translating sentences manualy one by one withe help of OCR, which is why the game felt rather long to me. It would be nice if the author’stories eventualy got an English translation. As far as criticisms go, asomeone who doesn’t care for the “larger” theme I would prefer themes of pe and pop noto be mixed into a single game. That being said, we geto read the pe desperation story first, so I was easily able to avoid the other theme just by not reading beyond it.
    Al in al, it’s one of the author’s beter stories and I wholeheartedly recomend it!