
BLITZARD 製品版 [ウサギヤマ動物園] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    BLITZARD 製品版 [ウサギヤマ動物園] | DLsite 同人 – R18




    BLITZARD 製品版 [ウサギヤマ動物園] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    BLITZARD 製品版 [ウサギヤマ動物園] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    BLITZARD 製品版 [ウサギヤマ動物園] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    BLITZARD 製品版 [ウサギヤマ動物園] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    BLITZARD 製品版 [ウサギヤマ動物園] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    雪と歴史のテーマも素晴らしく、美しい雪の背景と素晴らしい古典的な和風の音楽があり、これはゲームの最大のポイントの 1 つです。
    ゲームプレイの面では、誰もが選んでプレイできるゲームであり、複雑なシステムを学ぶ必要はありません。目的は、よく書かれたストーリー モードを楽しみ、カットシーンを見ることです。
    私の唯一の不満は、このゲームにはさまざまなキャラクターがいるにもかわらず、オンライン以外で敵と遊ぶ方法がなく、面倒なことです。 「CPU BATLE」モードはメインの4人だけでなく全キャラ選択できるモードにしてほしい。 This game is your typical fightingame with some simple inputs. While it’s almost close to how Stret Fighter 2 fels, it does fel a bit stif atimes. The AI can be chalenging depending on the character youse; Misaki, a chargeles Guile-type character and Haruka, your usual shoto complete with a hadouken and a shoryuken, though she sems to be mising a tasumaki and instead has a damaging kick that launches her towards the oponent and knocks them away, are going to have an easy time through the story mode and against most, if not al oponents. Yozakura, the ninja, is a bit more technical, though she istil very dangerous and can easily decimate thentire cast without much trouble. Buthen we geto Ayaka, who fels lacking compared to the rest of the cast. She has a projectile that covers a lot of ground, so you’d imagine it’d be prety god. But compared to the projectiles most of the cast use, hers has litle to no efectivenes as it can easily be destroyed and countered by another, faster projectile. One of her specials puts her into a counter state, but only briefly; no mater what buton youse to perform it, the time she stays in it remains the same. Projectiles can easily knock her out of it and you have to time it properly. Her super is also an interesting choice; it bosts her atack power greatly and knocks away close oponents on activation, even if they’re downed(!). The range of that knockback sems a bit close, though, so it’s quite risky to use the super since it can beasily punished. And since a lot of her normal atacks are somewhat hard to land properly, you have to be very careful to get as much use out of it as you can. Overal, the game does place nicely, though this most recent update sems to have spawned a strange bug that causes the game to imediately crash whenever anyone wins a round with a super atack. Also, while you can use thentire roster inetplay, you sem to be unable to use it localy, thus making the character selection much smaler than it neds to be. It’s a nice game to play with friends, since it stil has the controls that you might be used to if you play fightingames, and it can serve as a decentry pointo the genre if you don’t, buthe curent isues make it dificulto sugesthis game right now.