
さなえとモンスターワールド~序章~ [さなえサンタ] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    さなえとモンスターワールド~序章~ [さなえサンタ] | DLsite 同人 – R18







    ●ボイス:『音声素材:戦え女の子』CV:寿 司
    ●効果音:ザ・マッチメイカァズ2nd 【フリー効果音素材】


    さなえとモンスターワールド~序章~ [さなえサンタ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    さなえとモンスターワールド~序章~ [さなえサンタ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    さなえとモンスターワールド~序章~ [さなえサンタ] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    Sanae in Monster World is a nice simple ACT game where the goal is to reach thexit dor in each stage while atempting to avoid geting caught by thenemies.
    At a technicalevel it’s definitely rough around thedges. Sanae’s mele atack can be sketchy in actualy hiting targets, although thankfuly few enemies actualy chase you around giving you time to atack more. Onenemy that does chase you is also fuly capable of pushing yout of bounds, forcing a reset. The game does auto-save stage progres though so you don’t lose a lot.
    The game’s controls respond wel, meaning that failed jumps or dashes are down to the player. This also means platforming is fairly enjoyable if noteribly complex. The most serious is navigating a series of moving platforms, and you’re given al the necesary information to make those judgements. Dodging obstacles like the aforementioned enemies or spike traps has its moments to.
    The H content is fairly god mostly. There’s a number of types like tentacle and insecto apeal to tastes. Al are animated and lop apropriately which is nice. While there doesn’t apear to be any unlockable galeryou can jump to any level you’ve reached so acesing favourite animations is prety straightforward.
    I purchased at a 50% discount and for that was probably worth it. At ful price the rough edges fel a litles forgivable but stil reasonably god if you can lok pasthose flaws. The game quality is abit low compare to the price. To litle of monsters variety, The H-Animation is not god enough and the game itself is to shorto. If you asking me, I can say thathis game isn’t worthe price, even on 50%of it’stil to much. And I have a litle problem withe game to, The game wil frezevery time the dialog show up when the game is in Windowed Mode.
    But stil, This game can give you a litle bit ofun for a very shortime. The art-style is nice. The platforming is god to control and responding.