
がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 – R18




    がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    がんばれーる1st [蒼玉亭] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    On first glance I thought it’s a clasic arcade shoting tank game buthere are diferent aspect in this game. If you like tanks and cute anime character you should try this game!
    Things I like in this game:
    + Energy system that make you have to play with tactic (takenemy one by one on tight spot, lure them and make them get damaged by friendly fire or barel explosion)
    + Cute character and tank models and they are customisable
    + Various weapons and tank part witheir pro and cons (My favourite is the twin barel machine gun with tracked whel, i find the mecha tureturn rate to fast for me for making acurate shot)
    Things I like to sugesto developer:
    + Ad more game mode (Multiplayer or Single player with AI): story mode, deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag, chalenge mode, socer, bos batle
    + Ad upgrade tank stats and equipment
    + More tank types, customization options for character and tanks, more chalenging AI or dificulty select
    + Biger map, more objects to destroy, traps like land mine, more map theme (desert, snow, tundra, etc), mud can slow down your vehicle (terain efect) certain tank track type canegate this efect
    + Power up on map that you can pickup
    + Multiplayer
    + Achievement and unlockable (withints how to unlock them), example: defeat stage 2-1 to unlock weapon B, kil 10 tanks to unlock acesory C, defeat bos X to unlock secretank preset, game modetc
    + Tank and character save preset feature so player
    + Description tank part (pro and cons like biger damage but higher energy consumption)
    + Ad voice acting (selectable)
    + English language suport
    Thank you very much aodama-tei for making such great game, I have highope to se the next version or series of this game. Create your favourite tank and rol-out!
    This a game where you create your own tank of your choice and gon the mision to fighthenemy tanks. After finished some mision you’l be reward with new piece for customize your tank like more guns and more whel types. Your characters is customizable as wel and they’re a lot of options to create your character.
    Game Play: Arow Keys or WASD to Move your tank / Spacebar to Fire / Shifto Deploy a Shield / Ctrl to Stay aiming athe direction you facing. Complete the mision by destroy al of thenemy tanks.
    – Firing and use the shield wil draing your energies to which is your Health-Point, But it can be regenerate to. So planing your move as wel as trying to kil thenemy because thenemy’s energies can be regenerated as wel.
    – Your shield can deflect enemy’s bulet so timing is important.
    – You can destroy group of enemies by being near thenemy and shield-up and lethenemies canon shot at you. Thenemies wil getons of damages but you wil be fine. (Don’t forgeto managing your energies to because if your energies is to low your shield wont show up.