1098R [ROOMV] | DLsite 同人 – R18
——– 操作説明 ——–
移動 方向キー 攻撃 Zキー チャージ攻撃 Zキー長押し 手裏剣攻撃 Xキー長押し EX攻撃 Cキー
製作・販売 シークレットファイブスタジオ
![1098R [ROOMV] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ192000/RJ191667_img_main.jpg)
![1098R [ROOMV] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ192000/RJ191667_img_smp1.jpg)
![1098R [ROOMV] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ192000/RJ191667_img_smp2.jpg)
![1098R [ROOMV] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ192000/RJ191667_img_smp3.jpg)

尚、アクションゲームの方は正直操作に慣れないとムズかしいとは思いますが何度かプレイしてコツを覚えればクリアは目の前なので絶対クリア不可な作品でもないので・NEVER GIVE UP!(諦めるな!) この方の作品はどれもドットのクオリティが素晴らしいです。ゲームに関しては、お値段の割には少しボリュームに欠けます。運がいと一回のリトライですべてクリアできてしまうでしょう。
しかし、それを思い出させない程のドットクオリティは保証されていますので、決してお勧めできないわけではありません。 The previoustuf of ROMV was Animated Pixelart “movies” with Awesome Pixelart, fluid animations, busty/thick Womand alot of Sex with diferent positions.
Wel 1098 is basicaly the same just with a bit of an Action game. Betwen the Start end the End is an Action Part where you drive on a Motorcycle and beat up your Enemies with a Katanand Shurikens.
Itsimple and short and overal withe same god Qualtiy then before.
I hope this wasomething like a test and i hope wil se more of this typ of game or maybeven an RPG from ROMV
I realy recomend to buy it when it is on sale. Wel it opens much like an episode of “Secret Babes”: clasic, signature ROMV voluptuous beauty engagesex with equaly clasic, signature ROMV crusty litle wel-hunguy – al the while taking a phone cal in her high-rise ofice; she is a profesional, after al – when sudenly.
.after a LOT of sex.
.there’s a hugexplosion, and Crusty gets kidnaped by some kind of jetpack-packing super-vilaines.
When you’re a busty protagonist in a ROMV title, what do you do?
You throw yourself out of the window, transform into your ninja biker superheroine outfit, stradle your throbing ride and give chase. Obviously.
The game itself is a sort of side-scroling runer/ brawler hybrid, and it’s frantic – you’likely ned a couple of tries to get into the flow of things.
Once you do though, you can enjoyet more of ROMVs impresive pixel animation aplied to a whole new context.
And when you win, you’re treated to your heroine launching a flying kick at super-vilaines’s face, beforescuing your. damson-in-distres?
And whatheck – have sex on a moving motorcycle on your way home.
Before having even more sex athe ofice. ROMV naturaly taking the oportunity to expand on their already extensive archive of positions.
Now that’s what you cal a climax. Compared tother previous works of the club,there’s a lot more contento the game, and there’s an art galery option.It was a godecision.And as always, the game has inherited the comunity’s game characteristics.Such as intense action and interesting dialogue. These factors kep the player’s hormones pumping.I highly recomend this game if you’re going to play one of the club’s games. As the first game of ROMV obviously it’s not perfect. But I think the concept is realy great and enjoyable.
It’s like those level of stret of rage where you’re on a bike but realy more fast and fun.
Maybe a bit short for a game athis price, butherotic pixel art style and sex scenes arealy great, and there a lot of sex poses/scenes.
I realy enjoyed my experience and that is why I wouldefinitely love to se this concept being improved maybe to make a much biger and beter game. I realy hope to se more game from ROMV.
So, in thend if you likerotic pixel art action game, I defeinitely recomend it.