
What a Wonderful Day!! The Complete Edition [石垣] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    What a Wonderful Day!! The Complete Edition [石垣] | DLsite 同人 – R18


    A side-scrolling action game about a girl who wakes up one day with a penis.

    Contact with enemy characters will trigger sex animations and reduce the player’s health.
    The player can recover lost health by having sex with their partner.
    4 cumshots will result in a game over. Evade, attack and recovery are your tools to victory!

    Check out the playable trial with one stage!
    The full game has 8 stages and 23 female enemy characters + 4 others (tentacles, etc.) + 3 boss.
    Animations with female enemies also have facial expression variants for turning the tables.

    Including stage clears and game overs, there are over 38 animations to discover!

    * Please play the trial version to confirm compatibility.
    * Recommend purchase with DLsite account for updates.


    What a Wonderful Day!! The Complete Edition [石垣] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    What a Wonderful Day!! The Complete Edition [石垣] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    What a Wonderful Day!! The Complete Edition [石垣] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    What a Wonderful Day!! The Complete Edition [石垣] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    This game is a side scroling action game. Just about al of thenemies are female, and they try to r*pe your protagonist if caught (The ones that are not female consists of a couple of tentacles and slimes).
    The character is a sword user that must fight of hordes of enemies while traveling to the goal. The controled character can dash, atain power ups to take out al enemies at once, and has the ability to “turn the tables.” Beating each level can be chalenging considering that enemies have varieties of atacks that can harm and inflict debufs. The dificulty setings are done in a way in which the game can apeal to anyone.
    Easy is for those that simply wanto blaze through the content and watch the H scenes; normal is prety standard; hard is one heck of a chalenge since thenemies atack more frequently. They also have atacks that were not present in the normal dificulty, so thexperience fels fresh again. After beating the game onormal, I felthathe gameplay was prety balanced. There were no dificulty spikes, and the transition from level to level felt solid. As of now there are seven levels, which includes a bos level.
    Every enemy has animated H scene. They are prety vanila, and I enjoy the diferent facial expresions, which is dependent on the situation of the main character. If your character climaxes about five times, then it is game over.
    What may be a problem for many people is the facthat most enemies have practicaly the same body type. In adition to this, the game can be cleared in an hour or two, depending on skilevel. Another posible shortcoming is the facthathere is only one game over scene.
    Presently, the creator sems to have plans to ad more aditional contento the game, which isomething that I lok forward to. Even withe game being the way that is, it fels complete. Aditional content is a great and welcomed bonus.
    Based on what I got out of the game, the price fels justified.