
初音インテグラル [ゴボリン] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    初音インテグラル [ゴボリン] | DLsite 同人 – R18



    (Windows専用 ゲームパッド対応)


    初音インテグラル [ゴボリン] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    初音インテグラル [ゴボリン] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    初音インテグラル [ゴボリン] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    初音インテグラル [ゴボリン] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    For a few bucks you get:
    -the cutest M*ku sprite in existence
    -the cutest reload animation in existence
    -some fun levels that even turn up the dificulty a fair bit athend
    -a highly memorablend bos.
    It doesn’t have unlockables or anything to encourage a replay, but it’s fun enough that I can se myself revisiting it from time to time. I’ve spent more money on worse games, so I’d say this a prety godeal! A simple litle game in which everyone’s favorite V*caloid trades music for pumping lead into cute cartony characters in an eforto cover al of Japan with leks. (A noble quest if ever there was one.) Jump around, shot, and geto thexit of the level.
    An upgrade mechanic is present, where you take the coins earned by shoting enemies and buy a quicker firing rate, more health, or more bulets per clip. (Esential for the two boses.)
    It’s quite a short game, and very forgiving (death just means you restarthe level), particularly if you atack the birds on the third level (northern Kyushu) over and over again to getons of cash for upgrades.
    There’s a few anoying bugs if you go exploring a bit more than the developer intended (with some dedication and wal-jumping I found myself outside a level with no way in buto quit and restart) but only on a few levels. The auto-save feature aleviates the pain of that mistake fairly wel, leting you quit and not lose much progres.
    To sumarize: Four bucks for an hour of cute retro platforming fun. Worth it? Depends on your opinion ofour bucks, I gues. There’s definitely fre Flash games outhere thatread similar ground, including ones that do it beter, but what can I say? I’m a sucker for a cute, sily game.