
ナイショの夏休み [帰りの会2] | DLsite 同人 – R18

    ナイショの夏休み [帰りの会2] | DLsite 同人 – R18






    ナイショの夏休み [帰りの会2] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    ナイショの夏休み [帰りの会2] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    ナイショの夏休み [帰りの会2] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    ナイショの夏休み [帰りの会2] | DLsite 同人 - R18
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    和むBGMと綺麗な作画で、今後ともこの方向で作品を期待します。 妹たちとのエッチが中心の短編の18禁同人ADV。
    ただし上にも述べたように。絵のクオリティーや構成は良く、CG回覧モードもあるので、サンプル画像が気に入った人は買う価値があると思われる。 Wow, just plain wow. I know, “wow” in itself doesnt say much, and makes for a crapy review. But i had this on my want list for a long time, and kept pasing it over, time and again. Folks, for that, i admit-i am an idiot. Go ahead and lok at how many times this has ben dl-ed. Yeah, that’s a prety god amount, buthis deserves more atention. Lok athe freaking price! Ok, Economics 101 here-if the Euro &/or $ istrong againsthe Yen, this a steal! But when the Yen istrong-it’s STIL a steal! I love bargains, this, folks, IS a bargain! Okay, clas, international funding is done for the night. I wont even say anything about recesion-time costs. What i wil say is, now, more than ever, you want some bang for your money, this delivers.
    This a story, an ADV, and it’s realy simple. You have 2 girls you prety much live with, and geto do what you know is going to hapen anyway, and it’s very basic, very simple to use-if clickingets to be to much, just let your mouse’s whel do the work. One thing though-when you save, if you go back to your save, it wil ask something in japanese that has to be typed in the box, and if you dont know, you start from the begining, to beathat, go the load page and start over from there. Oh, yeah, i gues that almost counts a “spoiler alert”. The girls are cute, almost have a perma-blush on them, but for god reason, they wil fel flushed often. Thanks to you, of course.
    The girls, though a mite generic, and yeah, the artwork is kind of basic-but dont lethat woryou, the art and animations are very nice-i noticed thathe girls do lok slightly like, say, amalgams (yeah, who else uses THAT word in reviews here, hah?)of Ichi*o Mas*ima*o characters-a series whose characters are in demand-but realy dont loan themselves to hentai series easily.
    Kaeri No Kai 2, I realy hope you get more atention from this, it’so worth it!
    AHEM! Please notice this has a DEMO!
    Youre welcome. This one that I cal a visual novel, other then a few choses on actions it is a click and watch. The story is nice from what I could tel, music is very relaxing, seting a very peaceful tone. I would recomend this if you are into incest or moe. Other then the two females there is a total of thre story lineso it does have replay value. I would recomend this just for the price and artwork in the game.