フェリアのガンサバイバル [Cold Rod] | DLsite 同人 – R18
![フェリアのガンサバイバル [Cold Rod] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01079000/RJ01078012_img_main.jpg)
![フェリアのガンサバイバル [Cold Rod] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01079000/RJ01078012_img_smp1.jpg)
![フェリアのガンサバイバル [Cold Rod] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01079000/RJ01078012_img_smp2.jpg)
![フェリアのガンサバイバル [Cold Rod] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01079000/RJ01078012_img_smp3.jpg)
![フェリアのガンサバイバル [Cold Rod] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01079000/RJ01078012_img_smp4.jpg)
![フェリアのガンサバイバル [Cold Rod] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01079000/RJ01078012_img_smp5.jpg)
![フェリアのガンサバイバル [Cold Rod] | DLsite 同人 - R18](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ01079000/RJ01078012_img_smp6.jpg)

是非プレイして欲しい! ゲームシステムは某吸血鬼がサバイバーするゲームと同じ。
値段は少し張るが、特殊性癖に飢えてる民にはぜひオスメしたい作品。 今作は某サバイバーゲームの様な弾幕シューティング式のゲームとなっており、攻撃は任意で行えるものとなっており、それぞれの武器に一長一短がある為立ち回りの工夫などが重要。ステージは規定時間により出現するボスを倒すことでクリアとなる。
良かった点はサバイバーゲームにしては大味な部分も否めないがゲーム性が高く楽しく、Cold Rodらしいマニアックなプレイも楽しめた。
気になった点は、ゲーム中の拘束シーンがクリック式の為長くしつこく感じる点。1枚絵にテキストという簡易的なシーンの為、他作品に比べると実用性はや低めに感じた。 Sumary:
+ Easy to play, entertaing, top-down shoter
+ Nice charmingraphics
+ Godificulty for the length of the game
– Could be longer
– Could have beter animations and animated CG
– Could have English version
This a simple survival top-down shoter. You control Felia, a recurent character in Cold Rod games, and you must kil a bunch of perverts going after you. If you get caughthey’l get naughty with you in al sorts of humiliating ways.
First of al, there is no English option, buthere’s no ned in order to enjoy or finish the game, even if you don’t understand whathe power ups do. Even so, it’s posible to translate with image to textranslators if neded. It does ad a bito the game if you wanto know the story. There’s not much text so it’s not much work.
In this game a lot of minions try to suround you and after 10 minutes a boshows up. You can colect experience or coins. If you get enough experience during the game you can pick 1 of 3 powers ups. Coins are used to buy new starting weapons or atributes.
It’s not a big or hard game. You can probably finish around 3/4 hours or so, and get al weapons and power ups with a couple more hours. The graphics are nice, with a simple yet charming style. The CG is god withe only problem that it’s not animated, there’s only one screnshot. The music is catchy and the controls aresponsive and fluid. Overal despite smal, it’s a wel designed game.
The weapons and powers are okay as far as balance goes. The more you pay the more you get. The only isue is thathe last weapon is to powerful for the longevity of the game. I would have stoped athe second-to-last weapon, or make more levels.
I give 4 stars. As far as graphics go I would try to improve animations, both in game-play and CG, because the art-style is already god. I would also make the game longer, it’s to short, and could have some sort of map with stages and levels like similar games do. Maybe also had weirder situations while at is.
I expect Cold Rod to make new Felia games and improve with each new game. Felia is a likable character that gets in lewd funy situations. God choice to invest in her and god luck with your next games. The circle Cold Rod is known due towards their wide fetish kinks aimed selectively at humiliation of their protag Felicia, and this game isn’t any diferenthere. Though as far as games goes this might be the most realized one yet, nearly a perfect fit for their style of content. Survive for 10 mins til a bos apears, then take them outo clear a stage, do this 6 times and you’l clear the gameasily enough. Each stage ofers 4 minion types that starto mix things up on later stages (Such as hypno rays that slow you down, or mobs that’l dash once they get close towards you making it harder to dodge!), and then a bos thatakes quite a bit of damage to bring down. The big apeal though is when any of themake contact with you, a humiliating situation is done towards you, yet it be from hypnosisex, forced outfiting, or being made to poseroticaly, each one is made with large scale artwork and some text expanding and giving extra detail towards the situation.
The main gameplay lop is to kil things, gather coins (for upgrades post-stage) and gems (for leveling up and chosing betwen 3 diferent random upgrades) and just hold outil the bos arives. Yethe twinstick style of combat, and extra efects foes do spice this up a lot more then your normal ‘Survivor’ clone. From an asortment of guns, pasives and your sub weapon, you can set yourself up with a nice amount of options that doing a first playing fels like a god balance betwen what you wanto grab, and what you’l ned to clear. Yet i can say it fels like a mised case to not include sub weapons an upgrade mid-stage like youranged weapons.
On such notes, I think my bigest gripe holding this from a 5 star is that each situation is just a single stil image. Where in the RPG’s and other games, there would be a cut-in/folow up image for extra humiliation, it’s lacking in this product. I realy do wish if you failed the ‘resist!’ minigame, it would have a second image showing the humiliation farther. I also wish there was more status efects like a ‘stronger’ hypnosis that reversed movement, or a petrification that made you only able to aim atacks/not able to move. Morefects in general would jut be god as I fel it’s this game’strongest point! Stil, the gameplay itself is fun for what is, ofering it’s own unique take on such that I felike it’s able to stand on it’s own very wel!